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WELCOME YOU ALL. REVIEW OF RURAL TELECOM IN ORISSA ON 11.10.2007 Presentation by Shri I.G. Soren, DGM(PLG.), Orissa Telecom. Circle.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME YOU ALL. REVIEW OF RURAL TELECOM IN ORISSA ON 11.10.2007 Presentation by Shri I.G. Soren, DGM(PLG.), Orissa Telecom. Circle."— Presentation transcript:


2 REVIEW OF RURAL TELECOM IN ORISSA ON 11.10.2007 Presentation by Shri I.G. Soren, DGM(PLG.), Orissa Telecom. Circle


4 Text 1Name of the stateOrissa 2Area ( sq. kms )1,55,707 3Population ( crores ) census 20013.68 4No. of districts30 5No. of sub divisions58 6No. of tehsils171 7No. of blocks314 8No. of gram panchayats5263 9No. of Telecom districts13 10No of SDCAs120 GENERAL

5 Text GENERAL 11No. of exchanges 1,156 12 Fixed line Switching capacity9,67,972 DEL7,62,920 13WLL Switching capacity1,75,250 connections1,38,709 14Mobile capacity8,80,100 connections8,23,668 No. of district headquarters covered30(All) No. of sub-divisional HQs covered58(All) No. of tehsil headquarters covered170 out of 171 No. of block headquarters covered268 out of 314 No. of villages covered (>5000)123 out of 184 Total no. of villages covered17580 out of 51349 As on 30.9.2007

6 Text GENERAL 15Waiting list Fixed line8,273 WLL18,033 Mobile0 Total26,306 16Total working connections Landline7,62,920 WLL1,38,709 Mobile8,23,668 Total17,25,297 17Tele density Urban14.89 Rural2.31 Total (Avg)4.20 As on 30.9.2007

7 Text GENERAL 18 OFC route in kms18,456.80 Nos of SDCA on OFC SDH Ring (out of 120)92 19TAX capacity2,14,500 loading1,43,880 20 No. of PCOs Local3,923 STD24,799 Highway925 Total29,647 21Total villages Number (2001 census) 51,349 With VPT41,166 22No. of internet customers69,236 23No. of broadband customers14,733 As on 30.9.2007

8 Text MSC BASED WLL SERVICE Item Total No. InstalledComm./Aired Target/ Remark MSC111Completed BSC222Completed BTSPh-I67 67 (Aired)Completed BTS Ph-II 7466 Oct’07 – 6 Nov’07 - 2 A. STATUS OF PHASE - I & PHASE - II

9 MSC BASED WLL SERVICE B. ROLL OUT PLAN FOR PHASE-III WLL ItemEqpt. Details Eqpts. received Infrastr- ucture ready as on 30.9.07 No. of BTS to be commissioned by Oct.’ 07 Nov. ’07 Dec. ’ 07 Jan. ’ 08 Feb. ’ 08 MSC50K All BSC22All BTS67 572022150802

10 Sl.SSA No of SDCA allotted by USOF for RDEL No of RDEL provided Waiting list as on 30-09-2007 1.Balasore 1 21601282 2.Baripada 7 97682073 3.Berhampur 9 5168742 4.Bhubaneswar 1 119871 5.Bolangir 7 622945 6.Cuttack 3 8873125 7.Dhenkanal 8 684288 8.Keonjhar 4 54786 9.Kalahandi 8 3975752 10.Koraput 19 44920 11.Phulbani 10 36120 12.Sambalpur 14 86030 13.Sundargarh 5 273767 TOTAL 96 691355251 PROVISION OF RDELs

11 Sl SSA As per agreem ent After revisio n Already replace d To be replaced Disturb ed area Plan for replacement DSPTWLLGSM 1Balasore962 00000 2Baripada974 960140860 3Berhampur943 92122010120 4Bhubaneswa r 7551112 00000 5Bolangir63475174740310 6Cuttack1169 116810100 7Dhenkanal68565664880800 Replacement of MARR VPT

12 SlSSA As per agree ment After revision Already replaced To be replaced Distur bed area Plan for replacement DSPTWLLGSM 8Keonjhar548 5153303300 9Kalahandi693736 00000 10Koraput185718071689118003682 11Phulbani259 25180080 12Sambalpur1291142413011236025380 13Sundargarh571 56380170 TOTAL113411191211573339605114682 Replacement of MARR VPT …contd


14 Sl.SSANo of Village s as per tender Excluded due toCumulativ e acheivem ent as on 30.09.200 7 Balance No. of villages to be provided with VPTs Balance new VPTs to be provided by Disturbe d area Covere d and claimed in OPEX ‘0’ Popul ation Non existin g DSPTWLLGSM 1BLS4000400000 2BPD860001472392850 3BER63840142959146540860 4BBS2930002246956400 5BGR138000241145129340 6CTK12000393420 7DKL194000336758900 8KJR000237176400 9BPT20000078122 000 10KPT16810119232211318169368388393 11PHI125026170898938167700 12SBP115000872825300 13RKL288000732151734200 TOTAL48992651263790235691933728515393

15 Sl.SSATotal RCPs to be provided as per agreement RCPs provided till 30-09-2007 *Balance RCPs to be provided 1.Balasore114 0 2.Baripada28 0 3.Berhampur76 0 4.Bhubaneswar97 0 5.Bolangir45 0 6.Cuttack254 0 7.Dhenkanal94 0 8.Kalahandi91 0 9.Sambalpur99 0 10.Sundargarh38 0 TOTAL936 0 Provision of RCPs

16 SlItemDescription 1Total no of villages in the state (2001 census)51,349 2Total no of inhabitated villages in the state (2001)47,529 3No of villages provided with VPT : Landline WLL MARR 13634 27193 339 Total41166 4No of villages not covered with VPT 6363 VPT SUMMARY … contd

17 SlItemDescription 5No of villages not covered with VPT (As per 1991 census) 5823 6No of villages which can not be provided with VPT due to : Thick forest Naxal affected No custodian 653 1055 546 Total2254 7Remaining no of villages to be provided with VPT by March 2008 3569 VPT SUMMARY


19 Pending BTS Status : Phase IV (15 M) =25, Phase IV +++ = 294, Total = 319 Total working BTS = 913 GSM STATUS – 30.09.2007

20 SlName of the itemAchievementRemarks 1No.of MSCs commissioned2(1 New and 1 Expn.) Under Ph-IV+++ project 2No. of BSCs commissioned4 Under PH-IV+++ project 3No. of BTS commissioned87 UnderPH-IV Add on & PH-IV+++ project 4Swapping Whole Bhubaneswar SSA was swapped seamlessly comprising 162 BTS Under PH-IV+++ project 5No. of connection provided57,633 6RF capacity added50,306 7VAS Launched EDGE, PRBT, C-TOPUP, 12555 SERVICE EXCEL MAGIC GSM Achievement as on 30/9/07

21 SlName of the itemAchievement PH-IV+++ project 1BTS planned to be commissioned290 2Capacity planned to be added2,50,000 3Connection planned to be provided 2,00,000 PH-V.I project 6BTS planned to be commissioned700 7Capacity planned to be added7,00,000 + 1,50,000(3G) 8Connection planned to be provided2,00,000 9Target for connection for 07-084,85,000 10VAS 3G, VOICE SMS, LBS, POST PAID BILL PAYMENT BY PRE-PAID VOUCHER GSM PLAN 2007-08 IN NEXT TWO QTR


23 SSACitiesCapacity BalasoreBalasore, Bhadrak2520 Baripada 1260 BerhampurBerhampur, Paralakhemundi, Aska3780 BhawanipatnaBhawanipatna, Nuapada2520 BhubaneswarBBSR, Khurda,Puri,Nayagarh23868 BolangirBolangir,Sonepur2520 CuttackCTC, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Jajpur Town3780 DhenkanalDhenkanal, Anugul2520 Keonjhar 1260 KoraputKoraput, Malkangiri, Rayagada, Nawarangpur5040 PhulbaniPhulbani,Boudh2520 RourkelaRourkela, Sundergarh644 SambalpurSambalpur,Bargarh,Jharsuguda,Deogarh8964 Total66,996 Broadband Service, Cities to be covered

24 A. A. Commissioning status of Core Equipment: Sl.Core equipment Received & Installed CommissionedRemarks 01 BNG, RPR Tier-1 & RPR Tier-2 All All BNG, All RPR Tier-1 & 4nos. Of RPR Tier-2 All left-out to be comm by Oct‘07

25 Sl. Type of equipment Total quantity ordered Receiv ed Installe d Commis sioned PLAN FOR COMMISSIONING Oct’07 Nov’07 Dec’07 1DSLAM3663503231725120 All left out 2 OC LAN Tier-229 0All B. Commissioning status Broadband Equipment:

26 C. Rural Broadband Plan SlName of the SSA No. of 64P DSLAM ordered No. of OC LAN Tier-2 switch ordered Total ports allotted 1Balasore482 24768 2Baripada223 3Berhampur426 4Bhawanipatna102 5Bhubaneswar102 6Bolangir123 7Cuttack1178 8Dhenkanal423 9Keonjhar202 10Koraput213 11Phulbani81 12Rourkela162 13Sambalpur193 Total3874024768

27 SlSSA Connection 31.03.200531.03.200631.03.200730.09.2007 1Balasore0088141 2Baripada004748 3Berhampur0357707805 4Bhubaneswar7196758138860 5Cuttack1852612471331 6Dhenkanal01108761194 7Keonjhar069220225 8Koraput0193573603 9Rourkela0328899977 10Sambalpur0246535549 Total2537961100514733 D. Broadband Growth


29 Constraints being faced The NBLW towers are not supplied by TF Jabalpur even after lot of persuasions DWDM transmission equipment not yet procured by BSNL HQ causing delay in expansion of media to overcome traffic congestion Approval not yet received for procurement of Ethernet card required commissioning Broadband Eqpt. Disturbed area in most part of Koraput, Sambalpur district Less supply of CDMA IFWT There is unexpected delay in getting 3-Phase connections from Electricity supply companies. 2 nos. of additional PE router is required for Cuttack & Rourkela


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