Survey Results & Analysis for NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (March 14, 2015) 1.

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1 Survey Results & Analysis for NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (March 14, 2015) 1

2 Executive Summary This report contains a detailed statistical analysis of the results to the survey titled NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (March 14, 2015). The results analysis includes answers from all respondents who took the survey in the 10 day period from Saturday, March 14, 2015 to Monday, March 23, 2015. 19 completed responses were received to the survey during this time. 100% of meeting attendees completed the survey. 2

3 3 Comments: Karen does a superb job It would be nice to summarize everything that requires a vote before the meeting. While I open the 30+ documents it would be easier than trying to find them in the reports. Karen does a great job getting us all materials and files are labeled for easy determination as to what they are. Strongly Agree16 Agree3 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

4 4 Comments: The meetings usually start with the operational status briefed by the ED. There doesn't seem to be any linkage back to the overall strategy -- it doesn't have to be elaborate and verbose. Opening the meeting with a 5 minute review of the SP objectives would reinforce this, especially next meeting with new Board members. Still do not believe we are doing a good enough job aligning our committees and discussion to the strategic plan. Strongly Agree13 Agree5 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

5 5 Comments: Yes, but more specific strategy discussions are needed! It seemed that board discussions focused on both, it's difficult to draw a clear line between the two and my perception is that there are wider areas of grey in some committees. We'll always spend some time discussing operational's somewhat necessary to validate the execution of the strategy... but it's been good digging into the broader purpose of NCMA, and how we'll determine the steps needed to take us into the future. Great work, Larry! rjb There was a mix. I would like to see more opportunity analysis with the risk analysis. It is enevitable there will be some discussion of tactics, but I think the Board keep good focus on the bigger, more strategic issues. Did not attend board meeting We did find ourselves going down the rabbit hole a few times but Larry brought us back. Strongly Agree9 Agree7 Somewhat Agree3 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

6 6 Comments: Yes, the Ops report and the Budget / financial reports are very helpful. This was one of the most thorough meetings on the health of the programs and services. Yes, sufficient information with rational explanations. Sam and Kim did a great job. Yes. I think we need to keep asking questions to find ways to improve to Association. Mike needs to be careful not to feel he needs to defend his or the staff's actions. We are looking for ways to improve and it takes everyone being engaged. Always very good on financials. Strongly Agree15 Agree4 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

7 7 Comments: Sam and the F&B team provide ample oversight. Yes, the CFO always seems to be in a proactive posture. Always impressed with the work done by F&B over the past several years. Great work by Kim, Margaret, and the F&B Committee. rjb I think we need to push new/different ideas harder. Several members had ideas for how to look at the value proposition differently to increase the value. To a large degree we rely on the F&B Committee for this. We are fortunate to have such a strong CFO and F&B committee. Strongly Agree15 Agree3 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

8 8 Comments: Yes. Data always makes for a more thoughtful and meaningful discussion. The BOD should always look for the data to support its discussions and deliberations. Strongly Agree13 Agree5 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

9 9 Comments: Could definitely tell this was a specific goal. Yes, Larry did a good job of moderating. Good discussions. Involved everyone. Strongly Agree14 Agree5 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

10 10 Comments: Yes, although we will see what Mike does with the feedback. Collegial discussions, but very open and engaged. A few times tensions appeared to be high. Some members' frustration was evident. Strongly Agree12 Agree6 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

11 11 Comments: This board was not afraid of making decisions. Would like to see us (Board) make better use of white papers/research to develop a point, and then to bring a well-reasoned legislative package before the Board. We re-learned the importance of the Governance Committee as our integrator at this board. Our (Board's) primary weak spot lies at the point where we decide upon a strategic initiative and then operationalize the initiative. We could do better tying together the "PPBE" elements. Strongly Agree11 Agree8 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

12 12 Comments: It was on the table, but I don't know that it was a focus. Referred to it on several occasions Strongly Agree9 Agree9 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

13 13 Comments: This board was very close and worked well together. The leadership was outstanding. Felt some tension this time about moving to action versus just talking about it. Strongly Agree14 Agree4 Somewhat Agree1 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

14 14 Comments: The environment was perfect for engaged discussions. I felt I could speak when I had something to add to the discussion. Strongly Agree13 Agree4 Somewhat Agree2 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

15 15 Comments: Larry really did a great job to keep us on track. He allowed for good discussion and debate and then had us move on to stay on schedule. Strongly Agree13 Agree6 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

16 16 Comments: The action items were read and made clear. Very succinct recap of action items responsibilities. Karen is fabulous Strongly Agree13 Agree6 Somewhat Agree0 Somewhat Disagree0 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0

17 17 15) Any other comments, observations or recommendations to improve the board’s performance? Great meeting - great discussion and summarization of issues More strategic intent, earlier start for PY16, meaningful orientation for so many new members. Great meeting very productive good discussion I was honored to server with such fine men and women of our profession. During the orientation for new BoD members, it would be helpful to discuss the HQ/Staff/ED roles (tactical/operational) in conjunction with the Pres/BoD roles (strategic). It's been an honor "Directing" with all of you! My best to Larry as he steps into PNP, Penny as she ascends to the Presidency, and Terry as he comes back aboard. Special thanks to Mike, as he continues to do a wonderful job as our ED. The association is in great hands. I wish you all the best! Russ Board needs to keep the focus on implementing the CMBOK initiative and revenue. Great teamwork! This board meeting seemed more engaged then in the past. Great job to everyone involved for being prepared and ready to discuss the issues. Good debate and discussion. Even though some frustration was evident, it created more specific movements to action. Need more definitive action items and plan to execute. Many times we are caught up in discussion with no clear path forward and/or issues are pushed for future program year implementation.

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