OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT explain the process of Mitosis with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK DN: Hand-in Human Fetal Development Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT explain the process of Mitosis with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK DN: Hand-in Human Fetal Development Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT explain the process of Mitosis with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK DN: Hand-in Human Fetal Development Lab and quiz scantron; Distribute Cells & Heredity Textbook VIDEO: Mitosis- The Amazing Cell Process ACT: Introduction to Mitosis (Cell Division, Asexual Reproduction). Text, read p. 56-62, Complete Cell Division Booklet HW: Complete Cell Division Booklet ;Work on Third Qtr Review Packet; Third Qtr Interim Exam Tuesday, March 31; Spring Break Assignment: Constructed Response Packet #1 due Thursday, April 9

2 Lesson Notes Nucleus: membrane bound control center of cell containing X-shaped structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome consists of two chromatids held together by a centromere. Chromosome: X-shaped structure consisting of a single DNA molecule. DNA Molecule: consisting of genes, the “code of life” Organism: ½ genes mom + ½ genes dad


4 Cell Cycle Interphase: chromosomes can not be seen; doubling of chromosomes; nuclear membrane present; 99% of cell life. Prophase: spindle fibers form; chromosomes seen (randomly arranged). Metaphase: chromosomes line up in the M iddle, no nuclear membrane. Anaphase: chromosomes move A part ( A way) Telophase: T wo joined cells; two nuclear membranes form Cytokinesis: Two separated daughter cells form. M I T O S I S


6 Mitosis Mitosis (Two Types): Cell Division: growth (embryo, fetus, infancy → adulthood) and repair/maintanence of an organism Asexual Reproduction ( ex: bacteria, hydra, worms ): simple life one parent daughter cells have identical genes compared to parent cell parent to daughter cell same number of chromosomes


8 Cell Division (Mitosis) Interphase (99% Life) Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase 2 minutes Cytokinesis 46 92 Chromosomes 1 st CELL DIVISION Parent Cell 2 Daughter Cells 46 Chromosomes SAME, IDENTICAL Doubles


10 Me sis Meiosis : Sexual Reproduction ( ex: animals, angiosperms ) Two parents (male, female) daughter cells are a mixture/combination of genes compared to parent cell (by crossover) parent to daughter cell different number of chromosomes Parent 2x chromosomes compared to daughter cells Daughter half (½) chromosomes compared to parent cell

11 Male Sexual Reproduction (Meiosis) Interphase (99% Life) Prophase,Metaphase Anaphase, Telophase 2 minutes Prophase,Metaphase Anaphase, Telophase 2 minutes 46 92 Chromosomes Doubles Cytokinesis 23 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 23 Parent Cell 4 Daughter Cells Sex Cells/Gametes (sperm) MIXTURE, COMBINATION 1 st CELL DIVISION 2 ND CELL DIVISION

12 Female Sexual Reproduction (Meiosis) Interphase (99% Life) Prophase,Metaphase Anaphase, Telophase 2 minutes Prophase,Metaphase Anaphase, Telophase 2 minutes 46 92 Chromosomes Doubles Cytokinesis 23 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 23 Parent Cell 4 Daughter Cells Sex Cells/Gametes (egg, polar bodies) MIXTURE, COMBINATION 1 st CELL DIVISION 2 ND CELL DIVISION 1 Egg 3 polar bodies

13 Sexual Reproduction’s (Meiosis) Evolutionary Advantage Organism (offspring): ½ alleles mom; ½ alleles dad Mixture of our parents ( our dominant traits are usually shown; only if both parents have recessive alleles will trait be shown ) Variety (variation) allows the organism to be better adapted to a changing environment.

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