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Me and my Rebbetzin. My scale should improve like the Rebbetzin’s My oldes brother, Mendel, is named after the Rebbe. My younger brother, Levi, was born.

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Presentation on theme: "Me and my Rebbetzin. My scale should improve like the Rebbetzin’s My oldes brother, Mendel, is named after the Rebbe. My younger brother, Levi, was born."— Presentation transcript:

1 Me and my Rebbetzin

2 My scale should improve like the Rebbetzin’s My oldes brother, Mendel, is named after the Rebbe. My younger brother, Levi, was born on chof ov - the histalkus of the Rebbe’s father zichrono livracha, and there for is called Levi Itzchok. My other siblings are named after are parents granparents… I, am VERY privliged to have the same name as the rebbetzin. A tznius and refind woman, with only good midos! Just like i copied her name, I hope to be able to copy the Rebbetzins scale of good midos!

3 The Rebbetzin’s scale

4 A child I was... A child I was only four With my parents to the pales door She spoke with them In a special way Wile I looked for children to play There were no children to be seen So I turned to the Rebbetzin our queen I looked into her beautiful eyes Where are your children? I asked in surprise Eyes full of love brimmed over with tears her look ill remember all my years Her face shone with pride as she replied to me My children are in 770

5 A Story Of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka The Rebbetzin cousin – Miryam, would visit the Rebbetzin often. Once, several weeks before her son’s bar mitzvah Miryam went to visit the Rebbetzin. The Rebbetzin welcomed her cousin and asked her questions about the bar mitzvah, like: How are you setting the tables? How many people are coming? etc. Miryam answered all the question’s. After a few weeks, the day of the bar mitzvah arrived. It was a few hours before the bar mitzvah and every one was rushing. When sudenly in Miryam’s house the phone rings. She answered. It was the rebbetzin! The rebbetzin asked Miryam if she had realized that it was raining outside, since she was rushing so much, and the rebbetzin told Miryam that she thinks it would be good to put a little mat so people can dry they’re feet from the rain.

6 Lesson The Rebbetzin just told her cousin a little detail, but that little detail was very important! This is one of the ways the Rebbetzin attained perfection, by caring about the little details, every detail maters! this is a lesson for all of us in our daily life. We should make sure that every single time we do a mitzvah, we should do every detail perfectly. And like this we will be zoche to breeng moshiach now!!!

7 The end! 


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