1 PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimate. 2 Contract Letting Plans-Show what is being built Plans-Show what is being built Specification-Show how project.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimate. 2 Contract Letting Plans-Show what is being built Plans-Show what is being built Specification-Show how project."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimate

2 2 Contract Letting Plans-Show what is being built Plans-Show what is being built Specification-Show how project is to be built Specification-Show how project is to be built Estimate-Show quantity estimates (not $) Estimate-Show quantity estimates (not $)

3 3 Plans: Title Sheet Index Typical Sections Summary of quantities Plans/ProfilesMJ Misc. Tables/details Earthwork Summary Sheets

4 4 Plans continued: Signs Traffic Signal plans Lighting plans Pavement marking plans Utility plans Large Culvert Details Retaining Walls Bridge Plans

5 5 Specifications-not std. specs Special specs must be added to proposal Special specs must be added to proposal Main Office specs (already approved) Main Office specs (already approved) Regional Specs (must be written/approved prior to letting) Regional Specs (must be written/approved prior to letting)

6 6 Standard Sheets There are many standard sheets: standard sheetsstandard sheets-Earthwork -Guide Railing -Signs-Culverts -Bridge Design Details (BDD) Applicable ones must be listed

7 7 Regional Spec Examples Water Main Work Utility Work Special Items New Materials

8 8 Special Notes Try to avoid too many (let standard specs handle details) Examples include permit conditions or items to be salvaged, etc.

9 9 Special Notes Try to avoid too many (let standard specs handle details) Examples include permit conditions or items to be salvaged, etc.

10 10 Other Info available to bidder Cross Sections Utility/drainage estimate sheets Sign Face Layout shets Subsurface soils investigation reports Other Special Reports

11 11 Procedures for modifying PS&E Errors Additions (minor) Clarification

12 12 Report on Design Designer Location of Project Table of Lengths Type of Construction Road History Adjoining Highways Soils Investigations Grades Stopping Sight Distances AlignmentDrainageRight-of-Way

13 13 Report on Design-Continued Sidewalks Sanitary Sewers Utilities Permits and Agreements Special Situations StructuresMPTTCDFencing Pricing (Lump Sum Analysis) Salvage

14 14 Engineer’s Estimate Quantities included in plans Engineer’s estimate not given to contractor Prices not available to contractor—each contractor provides their own bid

15 15 Estimate Shares HighwayBridgeUtilities Different Counties

16 16 Estimating Steps List all item numbers – from plans & other similar plans List all item numbers – from plans & other similar plans Estimate quantities and provide detailed backup Estimate quantities and provide detailed backup Assign prices to each item – from similar jobs or average bid price information Assign prices to each item – from similar jobs or average bid price information Provide lump sum price analysis (personnel, equipt., time, wage rates, rental, etc.) Provide lump sum price analysis (personnel, equipt., time, wage rates, rental, etc.) Calculate final estimated prices Calculate final estimated prices

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