Legislative Branch Review AP Government. List the differences between the U.S. Congress and Great Britain’s Parliament What were the main objectives of.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Branch Review AP Government. List the differences between the U.S. Congress and Great Britain’s Parliament What were the main objectives of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Branch Review AP Government

2 List the differences between the U.S. Congress and Great Britain’s Parliament What were the main objectives of the Framers when they developed the Legislative branch? Why was bicameralism so important to the Framers? What did the Framers do to try to prevent Legislative tyranny?

3 What is covered in Article I, Section 8 or the Constitution? Why was the issue of slavery more strongly debated in the Senate than the House? What is the purpose of the filibuster? Describe the typical member of Congress. For what reasons could Congressional seats have become less marginal?

4 Explain the three ways in which Congressmen may vote and WHY they may have chosen to vote that way. What are the jobs of Whips? Why is the Steering Committee important? What two concepts are Congressional Leaders trying to balance as they appoint congressmen to committees?

5 List the powers of the Speaker of the House. Describe the Senate of the late 20 th and early 21 st centuries. Why are standing committees so important? Explain the roles of staff members in Congress. Why type of bills tend to make it through Congressional red tape quickly?

6 Who introduces bills in Congress? To what Senate committee and House committee would a bill raising taxes be referred? What’s it called when a bill is sent to more than one committee? Who schedules bills in the House? Senate? Explain the cloture rule.

7 What is the job of a conference committee? Why is corruption more likely to occur in a decentralized political system? How have the House and Senate been impacted by women and nonwhites since 1950? What is a marginal district? Why have Congressional seats become less marginal?

8 Why is the majority leader the most powerful person in the Senate? List the various types of caucuses. Why is the Congressional Black Caucus so important? Where is most of the power in Congress? Where does most of the work of Congress take place?

9 In the 1970s, how did the selection of House chairpeople changed? Explain the committee bill of rights. How many committees can Senators chair? Representatives? Why has congressional staff grown in the late 20 th and early 21 st centuries? What was the original purpose of the GAO?

10 Explain the job of the CBO. What procedural advantages do the opponents of a bill have? What are some of the reasons for select committees? What does Congress have to pass to propose a Constitutional amendment? Why are discharge petitions and riders important in the scheme of passing bills?

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