Electricity Transportation Heating Allocation of 6.2 GtC/yr Electricity: 40% Fuels used directly: 60% 60% of Global Carbon Reduction Needed in 5-10 yrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity Transportation Heating Allocation of 6.2 GtC/yr Electricity: 40% Fuels used directly: 60% 60% of Global Carbon Reduction Needed in 5-10 yrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity Transportation Heating Allocation of 6.2 GtC/yr Electricity: 40% Fuels used directly: 60% 60% of Global Carbon Reduction Needed in 5-10 yrs to Stop Dangerous & Irreversible Climate Change Fossil fuel use in 2000 (IEA) Allocation of 6.2 GtC/yr Higher ratings for green buildings & power, sustainable products, clean vehicles & mass transit, will reduce more than the needed 3.7GtC/yr in 5-10 yrs.

2 60% of Global Carbon Reduction Needed in 5-10 yrs to Stop Dangerous & Irreversible Climate Change & Global Economic Collapse Higher ratings by Wall Street will result in: 100M green/carbon neutral buildings 170M clean vehicles 1600 green power plants 100M certified sustainable products 44% increase in passenger trains & mass transit Reducing more than the needed 3.7GtC/yr in 5-10 yrs.

3 Successful Precedent Phase 1 & Property Condition Assessment (PCA) Resulted in 95% US Market Penetration in 3-5 Yrs. Phase 1 was rated higher & PCA was mandated by Rating Agencies for all mortgage backed securities (MBS) Phase 1 Growth PCA Growth LEED Green Building Growth Higher Green Building Rating authorized by investment bank & rating agency on 10/13: final opinion expected in 12/06

4 Benefits of Higher Ratings for Green Buildings & Power, Sustainable Products, Clean Vehicles & Mass Transit Stop substantial & devastating global damages & runaway irreversible climate change Protect/enhance human health, environment & social equity Ensure stability & prosperity of global capital markets & economy Ensure viability of private insurance Offset annually rising energy costs for foreseeable future providing energy security Implement much needed efficiencies in technology

5 Green MBS Added Value Buildings owners/developers achieve lower costs, higher asset value, more productive work environments & possibly a lower cost of capital via mortgage rate. Investment bankers achieve value through profit & differentiation surrounding structure & distribution of Green MBS pool. Ratings agencies reduce risks of Green MBS pool & receive commission. Investors purchase Green MBS backed by assets that are worth more, viewed as less risky, & more closely aligned with investor goals of purchasing sustainable assets.

6 Economic Benefits Projected 70% US Commercial Green Building Market Penetration * Projected 70% US Commercial Green Building Market Penetration * Energy Savings & Daylighting: $36 Billion/yr Construction Waste Reduction: $6.7 B/yr Water Pollution Savings from Water Conservation: $20 B/yr Energy Savings from appliances & Lighting: $24 B/yr Added Value from Increased Occupant Productivity, Energy Savings & Daylighting: $36 Billion/yr Construction Waste Reduction: $6.7 B/yr Water Pollution Savings from Water Conservation: $20 B/yr Energy Savings from appliances & Lighting: $24 B/yr Added Value from Increased Occupant Productivity, IAQ & Reduced Absenteeism (5%): $632 B/yr Health Care Savings $75 B/yr Emission Reductions’ Market Value: $ 1.1 B/yr Total $795 Billion/yr value added Emission Reductions’ Market Value: $ 1.1 B/yr Total $795 Billion/yr value added Green Retail Buildings Will Also Accrue Increased Retail Sales Green Retail Buildings Will Also Accrue Increased Retail Sales * Leonardo Academy & MTS Projections 2003 & Surgeon General 2006

7 Green Building Industry Value Rating System© Real estate value is a combination of cash flow, timing and risk. Green buildings positively affect all three of these metrics. The Greatest Qualitative & Quantitative Value Exists for: 1. Mold protection (VERY HIGH: 26, adjusted total score) 2. Reduced energy use and exposure to future energy pricing volatility (VERY HIGH: 25)  3. Reduced climate risk (VERY HIGH: 24)  4. Commissioning/Operational risk (HIGH: 17)  5. Improved indoor air quality and health (HIGH: 17) 6. Lower operating costs and default risk (HIGH: 17) 7. Improved tenant productivity, comfort & a corresponding  increase in rents (MEDIUM: 11) Basis of higher rating & template for more higher rated sustainable technologies

8 Value Rating System Greatest Green Building Risk Reduction (in order) : 1. Decreased dollar risks over time 2. Reduced large dollar risks 3. Increased collateral value / reduced obsolescence risk 4. Reduced default risk from no or diminished insurance coverage 5. Reduced liability risk

9 Energy Emergency Standard 2030 Imperative CERTIFIED CARBON NEUTRAL Based on Higher Rated Green MBS, MTS Will Ask for Higher Rated Zero Energy Buildings Upon Pilot Completion in 2007

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