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JoePack Ultra Light Packaging for Large Teams. The Problem.

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Presentation on theme: "JoePack Ultra Light Packaging for Large Teams. The Problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 JoePack Ultra Light Packaging for Large Teams

2 The Problem

3 The Result

4 The Cure Catalog.xml: Catalog file stored on a share. This file contains the location (BuildOutput) of all shared assemblies. Build Output: Location where the shared assemblies are build by the CI process. Dependencies.xml: file listing all dependencies for 1 solution. JoePack.exe will create a “_Reference” folder on the root of the solution. This folder host all packages for a solution. JoePack.exe will add or sync all files in the packages. You should add references to your shared assemblies in VisualStudio from the _Reference folder.

5 How-To 1: Adding JoPack to your Solution - 1) If you do not have a catalog file create a new one on a network share. Example can be found on: \Doc\Demo\Catalog or on: \Dev\JoPack\Catalog.xml *Note: the source element is the source path of each package – this is the root folder of the CI output - 2) Create a dependency file on the root of your solution. Example can be found on: \Dev\JoPack\Dependencies.xml - 3) Edit the file and add all dependencies - 3)Run JoPack (see print screen) - JoPack has created a _Reference folder on the root of your solution. - 6) Open Visual Studio solution and add all referenced assemblies from the _Reference” folder. Dependencies.xml Catalog.xml

6 How-To 2: Working in Team 1) Add the _Reference folder created by JoPack to your check-in or add the dll to your Visual Studio Project. 2) Check-in your solution. Every time a dev will get the latest version he will also get the latest assemblies. You can include JoPack in your CI build process – create a post build target that checkout the _reference folder and run JoPack on the server. If the build succeed check-in the _Reference folder. It’s recommended to add a UpdateReferences.bat on the root of the solution. This file should contain a small script that simplify the procedure - so that dev’s can simply double click on it to update their local ref folder. Example of UpdateReferences.bat ->

7 HowTo-3: Syncing 1) Go to the root folder of your Solution 2) Checkout your local _References Folder 3) Execute jopack -s=[Path to solution folder] –c=[Path to catalog file]

8 HowTo 4: Adding new dependent assemblies - 1) Locate the Catalog File on the network - 2) Check-out the catalog file via the Source Control checkout - 3) Edit the catalog - 4) Update your local dependencies.xml file located on the root of your solution - 5) Launch JoPack (see HowTo 3)

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