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WebFOCUS Developer Studio Update Dimitris Poulos Technical Director September 3, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WebFOCUS Developer Studio Update Dimitris Poulos Technical Director September 3, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebFOCUS Developer Studio Update Dimitris Poulos Technical Director September 3, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 1

2 WebFOCUS Developer Studio Update Agenda  Developer Studio editions  Install  Developing in the Data Servers area  Source Control  Using an external Text Editor  Metadata tools Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 2

3 Developer Studio Editions Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 3 Product Edition Allows Local Development Allows Remote Development Network editionDevelopment options Developer StudioYes ▪ Allows remote and local (standalone) development from the Projects area ▪ Maintain development ▪ Application development from the Data Servers area ▪ MR Development ▪ MR Administration including User management Developer Studio Visual Discovery Yes No Same as Developer Studio edition plus Visual Discovery components Report Developer (New edition starting with 761) NoYesNo Requires an existing WebFOCUS Environment to connect and perform development. ▪ Allows remote development from the Projects area ▪ Application development from the Data Servers area ▪ MR Development Managed Reporting Developer NoYes Requires an existing WebFOCUS Environment to connect and perform MR development. ▪ Access to Data Servers area based on MR user access rights

4 Developer Studio editions  Power Reporter edition will continue to be made available through 76x Additional info available from: ower_reporter_support.html ower_reporter_support.html Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 4

5 Supported Windows versions  XP Professional  Windows 7 64-bit and 32-bit  2008 and 2003 Server editions Install requirements:  User installing software must have admin rights on PC  Product can be installed by a different user than the person that will be using the product. Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 5

6 Install  Install options:  Interactive  Silent Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 6

7 Install  Developer Studio is available as a 32-bit application  Packages a Reporting Server that is also 32-bit and requires Java 32-bit. Reporting Server is used for processing only by Developer Studio editions that allow local/standalone development.  When working against remote WebFOCUS environments java configuration can be 64-bit and Reporting Server can also be 64-bit  Java requirements:  SDK 1.5 and higher for releases 769 and higher  Option to install and configure Tomcat is only available for editions that allow local/standalone development Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 7

8 Install Enhancements (as of 769):  Can install multiple versions  New folder names used by each installation  Separate registry entries for each installed version  New Advanced Configuration option  Custom web/app server aliases  Customize Reporting Server port  Customize Applications folder  Install on same PC with WebFOCUS and maintain independent configurations Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 8

9 Prompt for Program Folder name  Program folder name can be customized by adding a suffix e.g. WebFOCUS 77 Developer Studio 7703 Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 9

10 Location for WebFOCUS Applications  Developers can specify location of WebFOCUS applications. This information will be used to configure the APPROOT alias and configuration files (CGIVARS.WFS and EDASERVE.CFG) Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 10

11 Install and configuration Options Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 11

12 Advanced Configuration Option  Allows developers to customize aliases/context roots for /ibi_html, /ibi_apps and /ibi_help  These entries should be changed from default values to support multiple Dev Studio versions or allow Dev Studio to have a separate configuration from WebFOCUS installations available on the same PC and use the same app server  Port for the Reporting Server can be changed to allow multiple Reporting Server instances to run simultaneously Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 12

13 Install and configuration Options Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 13

14 Update install option  When an earlier version of the same release is installed, the install program allows developers to select the version that will be updated Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 14 Indicates release number Displays suffix number Used in folder name Example:..\DevStudio77_7703..\DevStudio77_7702m

15 Performing multiple installations  To install multiple versions, select the option to perform a Full Install when other versions are detected Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 15

16 Performing multiple installations  When presented with Program Folder name, you need to provide a unique name by adding a suffix e.g. WebFOCUS 77 Developer Studio 7703  This will install Dev Studio in a folder called..\ibi\DevStudio77_7703\ and will create unique registry keys with names: HKCU\Software\Information Builders\Developer Studio\77_7703\ and HKLM\Software\Information Builders\Developer Studio\77_7703\ Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 16

17 Notes  When switching between versions you must run THISFOCI.BAT from the BIN folder of the Dev Studio version you are switching to  For Windows 7 you need to run THISFOCI.BAT with the option Run as administrator  For Standalone development, create environments with different descriptions for each of the Dev Studio versions (localhost has configuration based on the most recent install) Example:  For 769, change “localhost” to “localhost 769” based on aliases used (e.g. /ibi_html769 and /ibi_apps769)  For your 7703 version create an environment called “localhost 7703” with the aliases for that installation (e.g. /ibi_html7703 and /ibi_apps7703) Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 17

18 Nested apps Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 18  Support for Reporting Server applications with sub-folders  On by default with Reporting Server 7703  Sub-folders are added to the application search path  Server can be configured to search all sub-folders or a number of levels of sub-folders

19 Nested apps Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 19  WebFOCUS Client needs setting IBFS_enabled=yes added to Custom Settings:

20 Nested apps  Working with nested apps from Dev Studio: Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 20

21 Working in the Data Servers area  View files grouped in virtual folders or display physical view is controlled from the explorer toolbar Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 21  Virtual folders enabled. Overlay in folder icon used to distinguish a virtual from a real folder  Physical view

22 Working in the Data Servers area  Application baseapp is used to store shared resources and it is always gets used by the server and gets added to the end of the servers search path. baseapp will also display in dialogs and tools. If not needed it can be deleted.  foccache is an application created by the server per user, per session to store users temporary files. Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 22

23 Working in the Data Servers area  Development against WebFOCUS environments that are configured with Cluster Manager (CLM) Processing are supported from Developer Studio.  Development against Cluster node configurations are also supported. Nodes configured in a Cluster node can be hidden from the Windows options dialog: Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 23

24 Source Control  Source Control allows versioning of files.  Supported in the Projects and the Managed Reporting area  We currently support the following version control systems:  Visual SourceSafe  Subversion  CVS  ClearCase  Serena ChangeMan DS  Razor  We are finalizing development for Aldon LM(e), Perforce and we will be working on adding support for Team Foundation Server and AccuRev Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 24

25 Source Control  It gets automatically enabled if a supported source control client is detected on the developers PC  Developer Studio will enable Source Control menus and add a new column in the explorer that shows the Source Control Status  Configuration and selection of the Source Control Provider to be used is done from the Windows options dialog Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 25

26 Source Control Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 26

27 Text Editor  Support for third party editors is available from Developer Studio  When a file type such as.fex/.htm is associated to open with a default program through Windows Explorer, an option is also made available in the Developer Studio explorer when a developer right clicks on a file to allow them to edit file in the Windows registered program. Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 27

28 Metadata tools  Synonym Editor  Business Views  Cluster Joins  Foreign key Developer Studio provides metadata tools to allow synonym creation and edits, configure adapters, set server APP PATH and provides links to connect to the server web console to perform administrative and configuration tasks. Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 28

29 Metadata  Synonym Editor:  Used to view, modify synonyms  Provides error checking  Allows certain parameters in the master and access file to be parameterized. Example: connection name, table name These options display in blue font Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 29

30 Metadata  Business Views  By default are created within the real master file  New synonym can be created to store the Business View information  From Synonym Editor click on the Business View icon in the toolbar to open the Business View pane.  At first a root folder needs to be created and fields can be dropped under this folder. Sub-folders can be created to organize data.  Allows customization of field names  Fields can be grouped in custom folders Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 30

31 Metadata Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 31

32 Metadata  Use of a Business View master file from Report Painter Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 32

33 Metadata  Synonyms are created with Foreign Key if it exists and info is added to the Access File. Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 33

34 Metadata  If the option to create the Synonym with the Foreign key is selected, the synonym will get created as a Cluster join and will have the referenced tables included Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 34

35 Metadata Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 35

36 Cluster Join  Tables can be included by reference Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 36

37 Cluster Join  Synonym is now referenced by code CRFILE Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 37

38 Thank you for attending our session and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 38

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