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Descriptive devices Aim: To use figurative language effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive devices Aim: To use figurative language effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive devices Aim: To use figurative language effectively.

2 Metaphors, Similes and personification The clouds were smoke signals puffing across the blue The clouds sobbed, mourning the loss of the sunshine. The cloud s were like cotto n wool Which devices are these examples of?

3 Alliteration, assonance, sibilance and onomatopoeia. Name the device! The slippery serpent slid silently through the snow The gloomy room stood empty and forlorn while bats swooped. The clatter and chatter of guns rattled the teeth of the soldiers. The doom laden droning of the bombers descended and deepened the dread of those waiting below.

4 Practise writing examples of the following devices to describe a haunted house  Metaphor  Alliteration  Simile  Assonance repetitions of vowel sounds in the middle of a words  Personification  Onomatopoeia  Sibilance repetition of S sounds

5 Find examples of descriptive devices in the following passage and explain why they are effective. The sand glimmers in the grey light. Grasses grow in the dunes and stab the winter air maliciously. Waves break in the distance and suck at the shore with whitened lips. Seaweed, abandoned, lies pathetic and limp at the waters edge. Gulls circle in the distance like kites begging food from the fishermen at sea. The sun begins to rise over the bay and glows orange and pink. The sea blushes. As the sun gilts the sand the sound of cockle pickers carries over the widening beach. The bird’s screams are quieter as they bob on the water, bellies full. They drift in and out on the noiseless tide. Fading as it becomes familiar the sea is a heart beat that keeps the beach alive.

6 Adjectives, Adverbs and Descriptive Writing  We use adjectives to tell us more about nouns.  We use adverbs to tell us more about verbs. In the following passage, the adjectives are in bold type and the adverbs are in italics. The silver gun looked large and dangerous. I was terrified. I was so frightened I could not move. The sparkling jewels fell from my nervous, sweaty grasp. The man jerked the gun towards the green door at the far end of the room. I walked slowly towards it, then stopped. I was uncertain what to do next. The man stooped quickly and swept up the jewels into his leather bag. He was suspiciously cheerful. The whole robbery had been done so confidently, I had to wonder if someone inside the museum had helped. He came towards me rapidly and suddenly, the gun was at my throat. "What are you thinking, Smith?" he said.

7 Now you have a go! Copy out this passage and fill the gaps with appropriate adjectives and adverbs. Complete the sentences at the end. As I was walking __________ along the __________, ____________ road, I _____________ saw a ___________,____________ shape coming towards me. It was a _____________, ______________ night and there was no one around. I felt ______________ and _____________. I was wearing my _____________, _______________ uniform and I knew I was vulnerable. As the ___________, ____________ figure approached, I saw two more behind. They were the same, but different. The first figure was……. (Describe the figure – what is it? What does it look like? How does it behave? Speak? etc) However, the two behind were………..(Describe the figures. What do they look like? How do they behave? Speak? etc How are they different?)

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