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Math 1 Warm Up – Part 1 Math 1 Warm Up – Part 2.

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2 Math 1 Warm Up – Part 1

3 Math 1 Warm Up – Part 2

4 Questions?

5 Solving Equations Objective: To review how to solve two-step equations using inverse operations. equation – states that two expressions are equal. solution of an equation – is any value of the variable that makes the equation true. equivalent equations – are equations that have the same solutions.

6 Properties of Equality For any real number a, b, and c

7 Solving Equations inverse operations – are operations that “undo” (are the opposite of one another).  To solve an equation: You must first understand how the equation was “BUILT” so you can “UNBUILD” it! PEMDAS

8 Solving Equations Solve and Check. 2y – 3 = 7

9 Solving Equations Solve and Check. -8 = 6a + 2

10 Solving Equations Solve and Check. -x + 8 = 21

11 Solving Equations Solve and Check. 3 – 5z = 18

12 Solving Equations Solve and Check. -9 – 4m = 3

13 Solving Equations




17 In class Assignment In the textbook… pp. 84 #’s 20-34 even

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