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Foundation Excel 2013 Gareth Johns & Paul Mugleston 1.

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1 Foundation Excel 2013 Gareth Johns & Paul Mugleston 1

2 Course Aims 2 Introduce Microsoft Excel 2013 Provide ideas and techniques for organising and formatting data Explore essential functions and tools that can be used to gain information from your data.

3 Session Objectives By the end of this session you should be able to: Recall basic Excel terminology Use appropriate techniques and keyboard shortcuts to input and edit data. Select, insert and delete rows, columns and cells to re-organise spreadsheet data Apply appropriate formatting and styles to text and cells. 3

4 Session Objectives Use formulae, the AutoSum tool and functions to perform frequently used mathematical operations, such as sum and average. Use AutoFill to copy formulae. Format numbers in a range of ways that are appropriate to the data they represent. Insert and use worksheets effectively to organise data. Apply good practice principles when organising and formatting data. 4

5 Excel Terminology 5 Rows are horizontal Referenced by numbers Columns are vertical Referenced by letters Cell: D4 Cell: B9 The rectangles created by the intersection of rows and columns are called cells. Cells are referenced using the A1 notation: Column then Row

6 Cell References – Cell Ranges 6 A range of cells can be referenced using colon notation. First cell of the range : Last cell of the range Reference: A1:A5 B6:D6 B2:C6 A8:D8

7 7 “A formula performs calculations or other actions on the data in your worksheet.” (Office Help)

8 Excel Formulae Always start with an “=“. Can contain numbers, operators, brackets and… Cell references. Quiz: =14+B2 =B3-A1+10 =(B2+B3)*3 =(B1-B2)/(A1-A2) 8 OperationOperator Add+ Subtract- Multiply* Divide/ 24 -5 75 41

9 Functions A Function is an advanced form of a formula. Excel has a wide range of functions available. E.g. Mathematical – SUM, AVERAGE Statistical – MIN, MAX, STDEV, COUNT Logical – IF, AND Conditional – SUMIF, COUNTIF Can be used in conjunction with other formula elements - brackets, operators & cell references. A function requires one or more arguments. 9

10 Function Arguments “Arguments supply the data for the function to use in its calculations.” Arguments can be numbers, but are usually cell references. Different functions require different arguments. 10 = AVERAGE(5,10,25,4,12) =AVERAGE(C3,C4,C5,C6,C7) Number Arguments Cell Reference Arguments =AVERAGE(C3:C7) Cell Range Argument

11 Using Functions Method 1: Typing Function suggestions appear as you type. Argument tooltip helps you select arguments. Method 2: Function Wizard Search for a function. Suggested functions are presented in a list, together with a help link. Arguments are then chosen. 11

12 Number Formatting Numbers can be formatted to display data more appropriately. E.g. Currency Date/Time Percentage Decimal places can be specified. Negative numbers can be formatted specially. 12

13 Excel Workbooks & Worksheets An Excel spreadsheet is also known as a workbook. Each workbook can contain multiple worksheets. Worksheets can be independent of others or A worksheet can reference other worksheets. Good practice: store raw data on one worksheet and final data (calculations and analysis) on another. 13

14 Recap You should now be able to: Recall basic Excel terminology Use appropriate techniques and keyboard shortcuts to input and edit data. Select, insert and delete rows, columns and cells to re-organise spreadsheet data Apply appropriate formatting and styles to text and cells. 14

15 Recap Use formulae, the AutoSum tool and functions to perform frequently used mathematical operations, such as sum and average. Use AutoFill to copy formulae. Format numbers in a range of ways that are appropriate to the data they represent. Insert and use worksheets effectively to organise data. Apply good practice principles when organising and formatting data. 15

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