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FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 1 The take-off of wind energy development in France and the 2005 Energy Law EWEC 2006 in Athens policies and programmes -

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1 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 1 The take-off of wind energy development in France and the 2005 Energy Law EWEC 2006 in Athens policies and programmes - 1 march 2006 Jean-Yves Grandidier France Energie Eolienne

2 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 2 Who is France Energie Eolienne ? France Energie Eolienne, also called FEE is an association founded in 1996 with the following main objectives  To provide the authorities, the research and industrial organizations with enlightened assistance in order to develop wind power production on a larger scale  To promote the consumers’ interest towards wind power energy  To create a link between the French and the foreign sectors involved in the development of wind energy

3 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 3 Who is France Energie Eolienne ? Some studies and works carried out by our organization  Economical study and suggestions for an acceptable tariff  Definition of a new procedure for the access to the public network together with the grid operator  Study of the credit capacity of a 10 000 MW wind park in France

4 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 4 The current situation and a realistic forecast for the next 2 years  With 370 MW installed in 2005, wind capacity has almost doubled in France last year  Forecast of installation  Year 2006 : 700 to 1000 MW  Year 2007 : 1000 to 1500 MW

5 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 5 The current situation vs FEE expectations

6 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 6 The negative points of the current situation  Disastrous result of the offshore tender : on 500 MW opened and 1100 MW proposed only 100 MW have been selected  french regulator is not ready to pay for offshore learning  Disapointing result of the onshore tender : 1.On 500 MW opened, only 480 MW proposed 2.Less than 300 MW selected  Application by the administration of the acoustic regulation is becoming more strict  Since july 2005 Ministry of Defence has forbidden wind park installation in a radius of 30 km around the military radars

7 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 7 The positive points of the current situation  The 2003 RTE report about previsions of demand and production balance in 2010 :  Renouvables substitute mainly to conventional fuel or coal plant  The 2005 RTE study about large scale integration of wind :  10 000 MW give a credit capacity of 3 000 MW  The 2005 RTE report about forecasts of demand and production balance between 2010 and 2020 : 1000 MW of new production capacities are needed each year from 2009 on  With a wind capacity of 10 GW by 2011, Wind can fulfill the requirements of RTE

8 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 8 The uncertainties of the current situation : what will be the tariff in the futur ?  Investors are facing a dramatic increase in the price of the turbines  A decrease by 3,3% in constant money + a decrease by 10 % after 1500 MW cannot be accepted  FEE has made proposals for a tariff which comply with the requirements of the law :  Reference site : 6,25 m/s at 80 m hub height  Mechanism of modulation in order to have not an excessive profitability on the windiest sites

9 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 9 The uncertainties of the 2005 energy law: how will the ZDE be created (1)?  Driver : to avoid an « anarchic » development of the wind parks from a landscape point of vue  Provision :  introduction of the area for the development of wind energy (ZDE) defined by the prefet on a proposal of the interested local authorities.  These areas are defined according to the wind ressource, the grid capacity and the protection of the landscape  A minimum and maximum power are associated to the proposal of the interested local authorities  When a turbine is located in a ZDE : it is eligible to the administrative tariff

10 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 10 The uncertainties of the 2005 energy law : how will the ZDE be created (2)?  The drawbacks of the law  Problem of coherence : instead of acting on the land planning law, the law acts on the electric law.  Grid capacity is a prerequisit to define a ZDE.  This tool cannot be used for planification of the development of the transmission grid  Lack of precision

11 FEE – EWEC 2006 Presentation 11 Thank you for your attention

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