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ECE 448: Lab 5 DSP and FPGA Embedded Resources (Signal Filtering and Display)

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 448: Lab 5 DSP and FPGA Embedded Resources (Signal Filtering and Display)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 448: Lab 5 DSP and FPGA Embedded Resources (Signal Filtering and Display)

2 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters FIR: Given an impulse input, the filter output goes to zero in a finite number of clocks because there is no feedback of the output to the input Filter: manipulate the frequency response Examples: low-pass, high-pass, band pass, notch, arbitrary Equation: y: output x: input h: filter taps N: number of taps

3 Low Pass Filter

4 Parallel Approach Output every clock One multiplier per tap N-input adder x[n]: shift register h[n]: stored constants Note the bit growth

5 Serial Approach Output every N clocks One multiplier Two input Adder Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) Note the bit growth

6 Parallel-Serial Approach K multipliers Output every N/K clocks K+1 input Adder Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) Note the bit growth

7 Lab 4 Top Level

8 Task 1: Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) (1pt single person, 0.75pts teams) 6-bit Frequency Control Word (FCW) or step size 10-bit accumulator: sum[n] = sum[n-1] + step*8 1024 18-bit signed sine values in a Lookup Table (LUT) Accumulator addresses the LUT Sine values stored in 1 inferred Block RAM Update every 195 clocks, valid pulse (on for one clock)

9 Task 1: Simulating Analog Signals Change the signal property in the simulation application to: Show the waveform in analog form Change the height of the analog waveform Change the radix of the signal to signed or unsigned

10 Task 2: Filter (2pts single person, 1.5pts teams) 256-tap FIR Filter using Parallel-Serial approach 2 Multipliers by instantiating the Multiplier Primitive 256 samples stored in circular buffer used as a shift register Sample Buffers are inferred dual-port distributed RAM Taps stored in dual port Block ROM using CORE Generator Starts processing when valid input is high Generates a valid output pulse (on for one clock)

11 Task 2: Multiplier Primitive MULT18X18SIO_inst : MULT18X18SIO generic map ( AREG => 1, -- Enable the input registers on the A port (1=on, 0=off) BREG => 1, -- Enable the input registers on the B port (1=on, 0=off) B_INPUT => "DIRECT", -- B cascade input "DIRECT" or "CASCADE" PREG => 1) -- Enable the input registers on the P port (1=on, 0=off) port map ( BCOUT => BCOUT, -- 18-bit cascade output P => P, -- 36-bit multiplier output A => A, -- 18-bit multiplier input B => B, -- 18-bit multiplier input BCIN => BCIN, -- 18-bit cascade input CEA => CEA, -- Clock enable input for the A port CEB => CEB, -- Clock enable input for the B port CEP => CEP, -- Clock enable input for the P port CLK => CLK, -- Clock input RSTA => RSTA, -- Synchronous reset input for the A port RSTB => RSTB, -- Synchronous reset input for the B port RSTP => RSTP, -- Synchronous reset input for the P port );

12 Task 2: Inferred Distributed RAM -- Ensure that the is correctly defined. -- Please refer to the RAM Type Declaration template for more info. process ( ) begin if ( 'event and = '1') then if ( = '1') then (conv_integer( )) ; end if; end process; (conv_integer( ));

13 Task 3: Magnitude, Scale, Moving Average (1pt single person, 0.75pts teams) Calculates when valid is high Magnitude: magnitude = abs(in) Scale: scale = magnitude / 2^20 Moving Average: Store 1024 of the most recent scaled values in circular buffer acting as a shift-register. Implement circular buffer using a 1024x18 Block RAM using CORE Generator sum[n] = sum[n-1] + scale[n] - scale[n-1024] Don’t forget to account for the accumulator bit growth avg = sum / 2^10

14 Task 4: Seven Segment Display (1pt single person, 0.75pts teams)

15 Task 5: Filter Select (1pts single person, 0.75pts teams) Switch[7:6] selects one of four filters in the Tap Buffer Sketch the frequency response of each filter

16 Task 5: Tap Buffer Memory Map

17 Task 6: VGA Display (1pt bonus single person, 0.75pts teams)

18 Task 6: VGA Display (2pts bonus single person, 1.5pts teams) X-axis: Frequency Y-axis: Average Magnitude 10 pixels wide height = avg / 2^6

19 Task 7: Digital-to-Analog Converter (1pts bonus single person, 0.75pts teams) Generates analog signal to show on oscilloscope Convert signed to biased unsigned (ex: [-128:127] to [0:255]) Button[0] cycles between the NCO, Filter, and Magnitude NCO selected: out = nco / 2^10and LED[0] on Filter selected: out = filter / 2^29and LED[1] on Magnitude selected: out = mag / 2^29and LED[2] on

20 8-Bit Parallel Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) PMOD-R2R


22 Switch and Buttons Functions Switch[5:0] NCO Frequency Control Word (step) –Used in NCO and Shape Generator Switch[7:6] Filter Select Button[0] DAC Select –NCO –Filter –Magnitude

23 CORE Generator Demonstration

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