Broadband From Federal Perspectives to Local Impact Missouri Broadband Summit October 27, 2010 Jefferson City Lee Rainie: Director, Pew.

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Presentation on theme: " Broadband From Federal Perspectives to Local Impact Missouri Broadband Summit October 27, 2010 Jefferson City Lee Rainie: Director, Pew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadband From Federal Perspectives to Local Impact Missouri Broadband Summit October 27, 2010 Jefferson City Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project

2 2 Internet and Broadband Revolution


4 70% 66%

5 Year-to-year % change in broadband adoption 10/5/20105 Trends in Home Broadband Adoption Source: Pew Internet Project, May 2010 tracking survey


7 Demographic factors correlated w/ broadband adoption Positive correlation (in order of importance) Negative correlation (in order of importance) Household income of $75,000 or more per year Having high school degree or less College degreeSenior citizen (age 65+) Parent with minor child at home Rural resident Married or living with partner Disabled Employed full timeAfrican-American Source: Pew Internet Project, April 2009 tracking survey 10/5/20107 Trends in Home Broadband Adoption


9 9 Wireless Revolution

10 Cell phone owners – 85% adults 96% 90% 85% 58%

11 Mobile internet connectors – 57% adults 62% 59% 55%

12 New cell and wireless realities More than 2/3 of adults and 3/4 of teens use the cloud Web vs. apps struggle: 35% have apps; 24% use apps Features used by cell owners – 76% take pictures – 74% are texters (text overtakes talk in frequency in 2009) – 39% browse internet – 34% are email users – 34% record videos – 34% play games – 33% play music – 30% are IM-ers – 7% participate in video calls

13 Digital divides shrink 34% of Americans have used the internet on handheld – Among all non-adopters, 14% have accessed internet on cell – Among African American non-adopters, 20% have done this – Among Hispanic non-adopters, 25% have done this

14 14 Social Networking Revolution


16 How do you convince non-users to adopt broadband?

17 By the numbers: Who’s not online? 21%…of American adults are not online 34% …have some past or current contact w/ internet 10% …want to use the internet in the future 61%…would need assistance getting online Source: Pew Internet Project, May 2010 tracking survey 10/5/201017 Trends in Home Broadband Adoption


19 Relevance & digital literacy are primary factors for not going online Source: Pew Internet Project, May 2010 tracking survey 10/5/201019 Trends in Home Broadband Adoption

20 The “value” proposition: Jobs + continuing education 10/5/201020 Jobs Health Learning Govt. News My community Source: Pew Internet Project, May 2010 tracking survey





25 Social media as a “hook” for seniors Older adults are among the most resistant, but once converted they often come to see broadband as an everyday utility Renewed connections can provide a support network for people nearing retirement or beginning a new career Those with a chronic disease are especially likely to reach out for support online Social media bridges generational gaps and provides a shared space for interactions 10/5/201025 Trends in Home Broadband Adoption

26 National purposes paradox: Great apps, not much outcomes evidence Health care Education Energy and the environment Economic opportunity Government services Civic engagement Public safety

27 Thank you!

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