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Quick Neurological Examination

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1 Quick Neurological Examination
Conscious level (Glasgow Coma Score ) Pupillary Response/Limb weakness Scalp lacerations / bruising-CSF leak,herniation of brain matter Evidence of Skull fracture:Vault/Base Subconjunctival haemorrhage Bleeding from external auditory meatus CSF rhinorrhoea/otorrhoea Battle’s sign/Bilateral periorbital haematomas (Racoon eyes) Facial nerve palsy

2 Signs of Skull Base Fracture
Black Eye : Ant.Cranial fossa fracture Battles Sign : Middle Cranial fossa fracture

3 Head Injury Assessment Glasgow Coma Score (GCS=3to15)
Eye Opening (E) Spontaneous To speech To pain None

4 Head Injury Assessment Glasgow Coma Score (GCS=3to15)
Motor Response (M) Obeys commands Localises pain Flexion Abnormal flexion (decorticate) 3 Extension (decerebrate) None

5 Head Injury Assessment Glasgow Coma Score (GCS=3to15)
Verbal Response (V) Oriented Confused Inappropriate words Incomprehensible sounds None

6 Imaging in head injury Plain X Ray CT scan MRI Angiography

7 X Ray Skull Lateral view Sphenoid Sinus – look for Fluid /air Level
Pneumocele Double Densities Linear Fracture PA View Frontal Sinus - look for Fluid /air Level Pineal Shift

8 CT Scan It is the most important investigation as it clearly depicts the extent of injury. Usually a Plain CT head with bone window is required Many times the first CT scan is done quite early a repeat CT scan should be done, preferably within hours after injury.


10 EDH

11 EDH

12 EDH

13 EDH

14 SDH

15 SDH

16 SDH

17 EDH vs. SDH

18 Contusion

19 Contusion

20 Contusion

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