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UP/IN/OUT series UP “Made to Rule” May 31, 2015 Dave Chae Genesis 1:26.

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1 UP/IN/OUT series UP “Made to Rule” May 31, 2015 Dave Chae Genesis 1:26

2 UP/IN/OUT 1.UP – “Only God Satisfies” 2.UP – “Made to Rule” 3.IN – “Love People Inside Church” 4.IN – “Love People Inside Church” 5.OUT – “Love People Outside Church” 6.OUT – “Love People Outside Church”

3 Genesis 1:26 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

4 Today’s Message To bear God’s Image is to Rule over the creatures of the earth. To the extent that we rule over the creatures of the earth is the extent that we bear God’s Image.

5 This is our spiritual act of worship – to bear God’s Image by ruling over the creatures of the earth.

6 Theologian Von Rad Image of God “…. made the analogy that, just as kings set up statues of themselves throughout the border of their land to show their sovereign domain, so God established his representatives on earth (Theology, vol. 1, p. 146).”

7 How do we know if something is ruling over us? 1.They tell us what to do 2.Our value/worth is often determined by it/them 3.They make demands on us 4.Guilt/Shame/Fear 5.False sense of security

8 How do we rule over created things in a way that retains our worship of God? 1.Acknowledge God is Creator of all things 2.Confession & Repentance 3.Boundaries 4.Accountability 5.Intentional Lifestyle of Worship

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