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Recent Poll Data: What do Israelis really care about? Presented by Rebecca Caspi, Director General, Israel Office Senior Vice President, Israel & Overseas.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Poll Data: What do Israelis really care about? Presented by Rebecca Caspi, Director General, Israel Office Senior Vice President, Israel & Overseas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Poll Data: What do Israelis really care about? Presented by Rebecca Caspi, Director General, Israel Office Senior Vice President, Israel & Overseas Monday, November 7, 2011

2 What was the most significant event of the past year? (Poll taken prior to the Shalit release) Source: Yediot Achronot

3 Since its independence, what is Israel’s greatest achievement? Source: Yediot Achronot %

4 What do you consider to be the greatest threat to the State of Israel? % Source: Maariv

5 In your opinion, what are the most important topics for the coming year? Source: Maariv %

6 During the United Nations session regarding the Palestinian state, what did you watch on TV? Source: Maariv %

7 Do you think there is a chance of reaching peace with the Palestinians? Source: Maariv %

8 Is it necessary to return to pre-1967 borders in exchange for peace with the Palestinians? Source: Maariv %

9 What do you think of Obama’s attitude towards Israel? Source: Jerusalem Post %

10 Is the State of Israel a good place to live? Source: Yediot Achronot

11 How would you define your current economic situation? Source: Yediot Achronot

12 What do you view as the most or second-most acute tension in Israel? Source: Jerusalem Post %

13 Do you support Israel’s recognition of any type of marriage – religious (including Conservative and Reform) and civil? Source: Yediot Achronot %

14 Do you believe ultra-orthodox young people should be obligated to do either military or national service? % Source: Jerusalem Post

15 Do you support the release of Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 terrorists? Source: Yediot Achronot %

16 Whom would you prefer as Prime Minister? Poll- October 2011 Source: Channel 10

17 For more information please contact: Rebecca Caspi Director General, JFNA Israel Senior Vice President, Israel & Overseas Thank You

18 Additional data:

19 Do you think leaving Israel is a reasonable option to consider? % Source: Haaretz

20 Are you ever embarrassed to be Israeli? Source: Yediot Achronot

21 If embarrassed, what are you embarrassed by? % Source: Yediot Achronot

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