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Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day and Leone Ninth Edition

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1 Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day and Leone Ninth Edition
Instructor’s Presentation Slides

2 Standardized Sources of Marketing Data
Chapter Six Standardized Sources of Marketing Data Advertising data Sales data Surveys Marketing Marketing Research 10th Edition

3 Growth of Standardized Sources
Contributing Factors: Multitude of information users having common information needs When cost of satisfying individual user's need is prohibitive The increasing use of scanner systems at the check out points Marketing Research 10th Edition

4 Audits and Surveys: National Market Audit
Bi-monthly audit focused on products irrespective of the type of outlet carrying the product Retail Store Audits Every two months a team of auditors from a research firm visits a sample of stores to count the inventory on hand and record deliveries to the store since the last visit Beginning inventory Deliveries Closing inventory Sales Marketing Research 10th Edition

5 Nielsen Retail Index Nielsen’s auditing services cover four reporting groups: Grocery products Drugs Other merchandise Alcoholic beverages Contents of a Nielsen Store Audit Report Sales Distribution Selling prices Retailer support Media advertising Special analyses Marketing Research 10th Edition

6 Consumer Purchase Panels
To cover the gap between store audits/warehouse withdrawal services and actual purchases, two methods of data collection are used: Home Audit Approach Panel member agrees to permit an auditor to check the household stocks of certain product categories at regular intervals Mail Diary Method Panel member records the details of each purchase and returns the diary by mail at regular intervals Marketing Research 10th Edition

7 Advantages & Limitations of Consumer Panels
Can provide information on aggregate sales activity, brand shares, shifts in buyer characteristics and types of retail outlets Knowledge of sequence of purchases makes it possible to analyze: Heavy buyers and their characteristics Brand-switching rates and the extent of loyal buying Cumulative market penetration and repeat purchase rates for new products Limitations Selection Bias Mortality Effect Testing Effects Marketing Research 10th Edition

8 Scanner Services Benefits of Scanner-Based Audit Services:
High degree of accuracy Time saving Ability to study very short time periods of sales activity Marketing Research 10th Edition

9 Scanner Services (cont.)
Weekly results from scanner service Weekly results from scanner service Applying scanner data Marketing Research 10th Edition

10 RFID Radio Frequency Identification Technology may replace the bar codes. Utilizes a tiny silicon chip to store information; a small transmitter then sends this information to a scanner. Advantages over UPC: The ability to store more information The ability to change the information on the tag The ability to transmit all the information on the chip to a scanner without clear line of sight Marketing Research 10th Edition

11 Single-source Systems
Usually set up in self-contained communities with their own newspapers and cable TV and are roughly representative of the demographics of the country A test panel of community households is recruited and monitored for recording exposure to programming and specific commercials Each member is provided an identification card for presenting at scanner-equipped stores Marketing Research 10th Edition

12 Process of Scanner Data Collection by IRI
Subscriber Marketing Research 10th Edition

13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Source Systems
Availability of extensive pre-test records Immediate availability of test results Ability to compare purchases of households prior to and after exposure to the message Ability to control settings Disadvantages Can track purchases only at stores equipped with scanners No information on whether viewers actually watch or just leave the TV on Chance of biased results Marketing Research 10th Edition

14 Expert Systems Based on Single-source Services
Since users of scanner data are flooded with massive amounts of data, expert systems are used to help the users understand the data quickly Examples of Expert Systems Are: Information Resources, Inc. Apollo Space Management Software Cover Story Sales Partner A. C. Nielsen Promotion Stimulator Spotlight Sales Advisor Marketing Research 10th Edition

15 Media Related Standardized Sources
Nielsen Television Index (NTI) National T.V. audiences Arbitron Diary Panel Both regional and national radio and TV panels Starch Scores Print media Multi Media Services Magazine, TV, newspaper, radio (Simmons Service) Marketing Research 10th Edition

16 Nielsen Television Index (NTI)
Rating – Percent of all households that have at least one TV set turned to a program for at least 6 of every 15 minutes that the program is telecast Share – Percent of households that have a TV set that is tuned to a specific program at a specific time Marketing Research 10th Edition

17 Applications of Standardized Data Sources
17 Applications of Standardized Data Sources Measuring Promotion Effectiveness Scanner Data Diary Panels Measuring Ad Exposure & Effectiveness Starch Scores NTI Arbitron Multimedia Services Measuring Product Sales & Market Share Retail Audits Internal Records NAICS Estimation & Evaluation of Models Marketing Research 10th Edition

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