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1 Displayed with permission

2 A Look From Both Sides Now Melissa Muth University Libraries University of Missouri-Kansas City

3 Philosophical Musings or When serendipity and opportunity collided How one librarian and one professor changed the world

4 The Course: History of Modern Philosophy Undergraduate Mix of majors and non-majors Intensive writing Semester long research project

5 The Course of Events Began – with a suggestion – to a faculty member – who was open to ideas. Developed – into a partnership – among the librarian, students, and professor – who share a common goal.

6 Experiments that Failed Office Hours – tried twice and failed twice Instruction by vote IM in LibGuide

7 Experiments that Seemed to Work Collaboration Integration – Content Management System Creation/Iterations – Course Specific LibGuide Continuation – “Traditional” Library Instruction Session

8 Research Project Stage 1: Selecting your umbrella topic The umbrella topics are general topics that cover a broad philosophical landscape. Your Stage 1 project is to identify the general topic that you will work in with this semester. Once you have selected your umbrella topic Stage 2 involves focusing in on a specific philosophical topic within the umbrella topic. Here is an example of the relationship between Stage 1 and Stage 2: Suppose that the umbrella topic that you are working within is “Innateness and its critics.” After reading some general works about the subject you might decide to write about the debate between Leibniz and Locke on innateness. Notice that this narrows the topic to a manageable dimension. Guidelines for Stage 1, How to select an umbrella topic: Read some general works. Melissa Muth, our Research and Instruction Librarian, has prepared a very useful guide tailored specifically for this course available at: Go to the Philosophy 320 Research Guide:Philosophy 320 Research Guide use the Umbrella Topic tab to see the list of general works you should review review the general sources: create an annotated bibliography – cite the source or sources you consulted – describe how you ranked and selected the umbrella topic based what you read use the Bibliography tab to see a sample annotation and other tips On or before due date of September 1, 2011 turn in: your preferences your annotated bibliography You will be assigned an umbrella topic and will become part of the research group dealing with that topic. Find out who the other members of the group are. Once you have been assigned your umbrella topic a nd your research group you will want to do some in depth research for Stage 2. Outline, Enumerative Bibliography, Research Statement. Guidelines will follow.

9 Revamped Instruction Revised LibGuide




13 SEMESTEREMAILSSTUDENTSSTUDENTEMAILS Spring 201022812 Fall 201061213 Spring 20114014110 Fall 2011*281417 Emails Research Consultations (RC) SEMESTERRCSTUDENTSINCREASE Spring 201012840% Fall 2010612 Spring 20114 (est.)140% Fall 2011**414 up to 11/4/11* up to 11/4/11**


15 Embedded Librarianship Evolving Involving Photo by com/photos/cristinacosta/ Photo by

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