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Human Rights Based Approach to Development Bantay Kita Training Module on Free Prior and Informed Consent Presentation No. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights Based Approach to Development Bantay Kita Training Module on Free Prior and Informed Consent Presentation No. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights Based Approach to Development Bantay Kita Training Module on Free Prior and Informed Consent Presentation No. 2

2 Human Rights Based Approach to Development HRBA Defined Rights-Based Approach Conceptual framework for the process of human development that is normatively based on international HR standards & operationally directed to promoting & protecting HR.

3 HRBA Defined Among the international HR instruments which provide the norms & standards include: UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, CRC, CEDAW, CAT, CERD, etc. Human Rights Based Approach to Development

4 HRBA Defined It integrates the norms, standards & principles of the international HR system into the plans, programs, policies & processes of development. Human Rights Based Approach to Development

5 HRBA Defined It focuses on people empowerment through the introduction & use of the concept of rights as legal entitlements of the people (rights-holders) and legal obligations of the State (duty- bearers) to its people. Human Rights Based Approach to Development

6 Human Rights & Human Rights Principles HRBA Defined Focus on discriminated and marginalized groups Aims for the progressive achievement of all human rights Gives equal importance to the outcome and process of development

7 RBA Flow Chart Strengthen accountability of Duty Bearers Duty Bearers fulfil obligation to Rights Holders Supports Rights Holders demanding their rights Changes in people’s lives

8 Needs Based vs. RBA Focus on input and outcome Focus on process and outcome Human Rights Based Approach to Development

9 Needs Based vs. RBA Emphasizes meeting needs Emphasizes realizing rights Human Rights Based Approach to Development

10 Needs Based vs. RBA Recognizes needs as valid claims Recognizes individual & group rights as claims toward legal and moral duty-bearers Human Rights Based Approach to Development

11 Needs Based vs. RBA Individuals are objects of development interventions Individuals and groups are empowered to claim their rights Human Rights Based Approach to Development

12 Needs Based vs. RBA Individuals deserve assistance Individuals are entitled to assistance Human Rights Based Approach to Development

13 Needs Based vs. RBA Focuses on immediate causes of problems Focuses on structural causes and their manifestations Human Rights Based Approach to Development

14 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Participation: active, free, meaningful participation of rights holders in all decision making process, especially those affecting their rights. Human Rights Based Approach to Development

15 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Accountability: Making rights holders exercise their rights responsibly & duty bearers fulfill their obligations; States and other duty bearers to be answerable for the observance of human rights Human Rights Based Approach to Development

16 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) No Discrimination & Equality: No one is left out, marginalized, unaccounted for in the development process, i.e. programs, services, information, participation, etc. Human Rights Based Approach to Development

17 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Transparency: Ensuring access to information; being open & above board in running of government affairs; no secrets or under the table dealings Human Rights Based Approach to Development

18 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Human Dignity: Overcoming claimholders’ vulnerabilities; treated with respect & as a human person; putting up safeguards to prevent discrimination Human Rights Based Approach to Development

19 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Empowerment: Meaningful participation in government affairs, i.e. decision making, formulation of policies, programs, implementation, monitoring & evaluation; exercising power Human Rights Based Approach to Development

20 Principles of the RBA to Dev’t (PANTHER PRINCIPLES) Rule of Law: Fighting impunity, access to justice, claiming the right of reparation; effective mechanisms of redress Human Rights Based Approach to Development


22 Sources mocratic_governance/publication_1/ The_Human_Rights_Based_Approach_to_Development_Cooperati on_Towards_a_Common_Understanding_among_UN.pdf Various presentations from PhilRights Human Rights Based Approach to Development

23 Acknowledgements of the support for materials development from:

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