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MOMENTUM Leveraging your success Phillip Rosebrook JR, CR Partner Business Mentors.

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Presentation on theme: "MOMENTUM Leveraging your success Phillip Rosebrook JR, CR Partner Business Mentors."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOMENTUM Leveraging your success Phillip Rosebrook JR, CR Partner Business Mentors

2  200+ new jobs in a week  Burnout & overwhelmed staff  Cash crunch  Average quarterly revenue Sound Familiar

3  Start Strong....Finish strong Start Strong....Finish strong Challenges

4 Likely Result Record Month Followed by average or slow month Results several average months Potentially a tarnished reputation An unfortunate example

5 A Better Situation A record month Followed by a several strong or record months Results Windfall profits Cash infusion – after a bit of time Confidence New contacts

6 Achieving High Powered Growth Preparation + Opportunity = Momentum

7  Organizational  Personnel  Communication  Capital  Partners Preparation

8  Create a compelling vision  Define goals  Include BHAG  Deliberate company culture  Identify company values Organization

9  Clear systems and process – everyday, large loss and peak periods  Hire 50 people this week seamlessly integrate then 50 next week  Planning, Procedures, Policy  Hiring, orientation, assessment  Hire top performers Personnel

10  Create a standard on-boarding process  Screening  Interviews  Orientation & Training A Note on Hiring

11 Challenging Comfort Zones  What is holding you back?  Fear  Complacency  Desire

12 Create Your Own Opportunity  Create success to build momentum - inertia  Celebrate  Minimize failure  Confidence

13 Communication How is the company doing? How are individuals doing? Two way dialog Client communication

14  Action!  Systems and practice  Movement in the right direction Movement in the right direction Overcoming Fear and Stagnation

15 Capital Banking relationships Capital preservation Ask for deposits and draws Jobs not finished until Check in bank

16 Partners  Professional Team  Banker  CPA  Attorney  Network  Business advisor

17  After event or influx is over  What worked well  What went wrong  Different next time  Exactly the same  Create a written action plan  Self inventory Learning

18  Apply resources where greatest impact  Not an excuse to be sloppy Pareto’s Law

19  Are you a leader without followers? Are you a leader without followers?  Movements are about the followers Movements are about the followers Creating a Movement

20  Clarity  Purpose  Vision  Practice  Communicate  Debrief  Repeat Summary

21 Finish Strong Great Finishes

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