W EDNESDAY, A PRIL 7 TH AIR! Moving Rising Sinking Mixing 1.Weather Journal data 2.Finish ‘Atmosphere in Motion’ Reading 3.Air pressure demonstrations.

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Presentation on theme: "W EDNESDAY, A PRIL 7 TH AIR! Moving Rising Sinking Mixing 1.Weather Journal data 2.Finish ‘Atmosphere in Motion’ Reading 3.Air pressure demonstrations."— Presentation transcript:

1 W EDNESDAY, A PRIL 7 TH AIR! Moving Rising Sinking Mixing 1.Weather Journal data 2.Finish ‘Atmosphere in Motion’ Reading 3.Air pressure demonstrations 4.High and Low pressure models

2 W EATHER J OURNAL Please write down the weather data for today.

3 A TMOSPHERE IN M OTION Please take 10 minutes to finish the reading and turn in your answer sheets.

4 A IR P RESSURE – H OW DO YOU SHOW IT ? 1. Suction cups and vacuum pumps 2. The Incredible collapsing can. 3. Cool Air Sinks and Warm Air Rises

5 T HURSDAY, A PRIL 8 TH We are going outside today! You may bring a jacket or sweatshirt if you like.

6 H IGH P RESSURE Air sinks Spirals clockwise Clear Skies Cooler air

7 L OW P RESSURE Air rises Spirals counter-clockwise Cloudy Skies Warmer air

8 T HE WEATHER AS A WEAPON ? Here is an interesting 10 minute video about weather phenomena being used for military purposes. It’s more than just this…

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