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Prehistoric Times: How to study the past Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Agosta.

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistoric Times: How to study the past Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Agosta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistoric Times: How to study the past Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Agosta

2 1. Scientists Discover Clues A. Prehistory is the time before writing, ~5,000 years ago. B. Archaeologists sift through dirt to find artifacts or objects made by people like tools or jewelry.

3 C. Anthropologists study culture, or people’s way of life. D. Paleontologists study fossils – evidence of early life preserved in rocks.

4 2. Primary vs. Secondary Sources A. A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study.

5 Examples of Primary Sources  ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: Diaries, speeches, manu- scripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, auto- biographies, official records  ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: Diaries, speeches, manu- scripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, auto- biographies, official records  CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art  CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art  RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings

6 B. A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. C. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event.

7 Examples of Secondary Sources  PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, journals, commentaries, textbooks, books, newspapers, and encyclopedias.

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