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CSC241 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Lecture No. 7.

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1 CSC241 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Lecture No. 7

2 Review  Constant data members  Constant objects  Static data members  Static member functions  Array of objects

3 Pointer to Objects  Pointer to objects are similar as pointer to built-in types  They can also be used to dynamically allocate objects

4 Example class Student{ … public: Student(); Student(char * aName); void setRollNo(int aNo); };

5 Example int main(){ Student obj; Student *ptr; ptr = &obj; ptr->setRollNo(10); return 0; }

6 Allocation with new Operator  new operator can be used to create objects at runtime

7 Example int main(){ Student *ptr; ptr = new Student; ptr->setRollNo(10); return 0; }

8 Example int main(){ Student *ptr; ptr = new Student(“Ali”); ptr->setRollNo(10); return 0; }

9 Example int main() { Student *ptr = new Student[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ptr->setRollNo(10); } return 0; }

10 Breakup of new Operation  new operator is decomposed as follows  Allocating space in memory  Calling the appropriate constructor

11 Case Study Design a class date through which user must be able to perform following operations  Get and set current day, month and year  Increment by x number of days, months and year  Set default date

12 Attributes  Attributes that can be seen in this problem statement are  Day  Month  Year  Default date

13 Attributes  The default date is a feature shared by all objects  This attribute must be declared a static member

14 Attributes in Date.h class Date { int day; int month; int year; static Date defaultDate; … };

15 Interfaces  getDay  getMonth  getYear  setDay  setMonth  setYear  addDay  addMonth  addYear  setDefaultDate

16 Interfaces  As the default date is a static member the interface setDefaultDate should also be declared static

17 Interfaces in Date.h class Date{ … public: void setDay(int aDay); int getDay() const; void addDay(int x); … … };

18 Interfaces in Date.h class Date{ … public: static void setDefaultDate(int aDay, int aMonth, int aYear); … };

19 Constructors and Destructors in Date.h Date(int aDay = 0, int aMonth = 0, int aYear = 0); ~Date(); //Destructor };

20 Implementation of Date Class  The static member variables must be initialized Date Date::defaultDate(07, 3, 2015);

21 Constructors Date::Date(int aDay, int aMonth, int aYear){ if (aDay == 0) { this->day =; } else{ setDay(aDay); } //similarly for other members (aMonth, aYear) }

22 Destructor  We are not required to do any house keeping chores in destructor Date::~Date { }

23 Getter and Setter void Date::setMonth(int a){ if (a > 0 && a <= 12){ month = a; } } int Date::getMonth() const{ return month; }

24 addYear void Date::addYear(int x){ year += x; if (day == 29 && month == 2 && !leapyear(year)){ day = 1; month = 3; } }

25 Helper Function class Date{ … private: bool leapYear(int x) const; … };

26 Helper Function bool Date::leapYear(int x) const{ if ((x % 4 == 0 && x % 100 != 0) || (x % 400 == 0)){ return true; } return false; }

27 setDefaultDate void Date::setDefaultDate(int d, int m, int y){ if (d >= 0 && d <= 31){ day = d; } … }

28 Composition Consider the following implementation of the student class: gpa : float rollNo : int name : char * Student(char * = NULL, int = 0, float = 0.0); Student(const Student &) GetName() const : const char * SetName(char *) : void ~Student() … Student

29 Composition class Student{ private: float gpa; char * name; int rollNumber; public: Student(char * = NULL, int = 0, float = 0.0); Student(const Student & st); const char * GetName() const; ~Student(); … };

30 Composition Student::Student(char * _name, int roll, floatg){ cout << "Constructor::Student..\n"; if (!_name){ name = new char[strlen(_name) + 1]; strcpy(name, _name); } else name = NULL; rollNumber = roll; gpa = g; }

31 Composition Student::Student(const Student & st){ if ( != NULL){ name = new char[strlen( + 1]; strcpy(name,; } else name = NULL; rollNumber = st.roll; gpa = st.g; }

32 Composition const char * Student::GetName(){ return name; } Student::~Student(){ delete[] name; }

33 Composition ► C++: “ its all about code reuse” ► Composition:  Creating objects of one class inside another class ► “Has a” relationship:  Bird has a beak  Student has a name

34 Composition Conceptual notation: String() SetString(char *) : void GetString() const : const char * ~String() … gpa : float rollNo : int name : String Student(char * = NULL, int = 0, float = 0.0); Student(const Student &) GetName() const : String GetNamePtr() const : const char * SetName(char *) : void ~Student() … Student string : char * String

35 Composition class String{ private: char * ptr; public: String(); String(const String &); void SetString(char *); const char * GetString() const; ~String() … };

36 Composition String::String(){ cout << "Constructor::String..\n"; ptr = NULL; } String::String(const String & str){ if (str.ptr != NULL){ string = new char[strlen(str.ptr) + 1]; strcpy(ptr, str.ptr); } else ptr = NULL; }

37 Composition void String::SetString(char * str){ if (ptr != NULL){ delete[] ptr; ptr = NULL; } if (str != NULL){ ptr = new char[strlen(str) + 1]; strcpy(ptr, str); } }

38 Composition const char * String::GetString()const{ return ptr; } String::~String(){ delete[] ptr; cout << "Destructor::String..\n"; }

39 Composition class Student{ private: float gpa; int rollNumber; String name; public: Student(char* = NULL, int = 0, float = 0.0); Student(const Student &); void SetName(const char *); String GetName() const; const char * GetNamePtr const(); ~Student(); … };

40 Composition Student::Student(char * _name, int roll, float g){ cout << "Constructor::Student..\n"; name.SetString(_name); rollNumber = roll; gpa = g; }

41 Composition Student::Student(const Student & s){ name.Setname(; gpa = s.gpa; rollNo = s.rollNo; } const char * Student::GetNamePtr() const{ return name.GetString(); }

42 Composition void Student::SetName(const char * n){ name.SetString(n); } Student::~Student(){ cout << "Destructor::Student..\n"; }

43 Composition Main Function: void main(){ Student aStudent("Fakhir", 899, 3.1); cout << endl; cout << “Name:” << aStudent.GetNamePtr() << “\n”; }

44 Composition Output: Constructor::String.. Constructor::Student.. Name: Fakhir Destructor::Student.. Destructor::String..

45 Composition ► Constructors of the sub-objects are always executed before the constructors of the master class ► Example:  Constructor for the sub-object name is executed before the constructor of Student

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