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. Aletha McArthur is the Program Director, Teacher Specialist and Founder of New Growth Family Centre Inc. in Mount Forest, Ontario. She is a teacher from.

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Presentation on theme: ". Aletha McArthur is the Program Director, Teacher Specialist and Founder of New Growth Family Centre Inc. in Mount Forest, Ontario. She is a teacher from."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Aletha McArthur is the Program Director, Teacher Specialist and Founder of New Growth Family Centre Inc. in Mount Forest, Ontario. She is a teacher from the heart and has demonstrated her compassion and expertise working as a Special Education and Behavior Specialist in schools in Wellington-Dufferin for more than 25 years. She successfully utilizes the Post Stress Model principles (Post) and the Collaborative Problem Solving approach (Greene) in her Therapeutic Day Program classroom for extreme needs children and youth and in her Coaching Programs for parents, caregivers and educators. She confidently delivers her own unique balance of firm yet caring educational strategies in a Therapeutic Learning Environment that is safe, structured and supportive. She believes that early intervention is the key to meeting the needs of children with complex trauma and related challenges. She is dedicated to ensuring that all children, especially those who have experienced early trauma, and their families, get the support they need to enjoy learning and reach their full potential. Find out more at

2 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Information about food choices for families in a world of food fads, energy drinks and child focused marketing.

3 Relax ! I’m not the food Nazi, nor am I here to enlist you to become one.

4 I am here to share what I’ve learned and am still learning, to get you thinking about your food choices so that you can make better informed decisions in your own family especially for children.

5 Don’t Panic !

6 “They” know better so we trust “them” “Wrong”

7 Fact You are what you eat physically which includes the brain. * Bill Nye Video Nutrition

8 Fact Kids eat what they’re given and develop tastes that remain forever. Whale Fat Soft boiled eggs Arrowroots

9 What’s your “comfort food”?

10 The Brain is part of the body. thinking emergency responses emotions problem solving

11 memory storage knowledge base throughout life. “LEARNING”

12 What if the brain is handicapped, slowed down, tampered with, damaged? The whole control system for the full power of that person is limited. Lab test Story

13 What if the handicap, the slowing down, the tampering, the damage was caused by something as simple as malnutrition ? What would you do about it?

14 2011 Lamborghini Food = Fuel Water = Oil

15 What are food fads? What’s on the table ?

16 Can I trust what’s sold in grocery stores? History of processed foods Chemists vs Cooks Packages vs Portions Processed vs Prepared

17 Labels let us down so become an expert !

18 What about school lunches? Lunch in the mornings-- Not! “See Food” Diet Home Packaged Meal Home Restaurant

19 What about energy drinks? Stimulants + Sweetness + Colour + Chemical flavour = Dependency Addiction Brain altering Mood swings ADHD symptoms and more

20 Energy Drinks are replacing water and food. Cocaine for Kids! Recovering addicts refer to them as

21 A look at addictions Early tastes, eating patterns, mealtime experiences all become habits. Fast Food lifestyles Addictions Eating disorders

22 What does malnutrition look like? Tired,Grouchy or Lethargic Sad Spacey Erratic Itchy Clingy Cold Irritable Plump and puffy Pale Dark circles under eyes Whiney Unfocused

23 What about medications ? Multiply all of this by 100 and see me later. Yes it can be done!

24 How can I improve ? 8 year old Clean up the house gradually Introduce new tastes Prepare food for the child Use the “See Food” Principle Refer to the Lamborghini Take charge

25 12 year old Include the child in all aspects of change. Clean up the house gradually Introduce new tastes Prepare food for and with kids Use the “See Food” Principle Refer to the Lamborghini Take charge Make cooking a sensation

26 16 year old “Food For Thought” list

27 Food For Thought 1.Explain the importance of healthy food to the adults first and then the whole family. 2.Use the Lamborghini Story- food is fuel and water is oil. 3.Keep it simple- less process, less package 4.Savour the Flavour—the aroma, the texture, the presentation 5.Have restaurant meals at home—a dining experience 6.Start your own Food Fads. Be a trend setter family

28 7. Make cooking an activity for all –make memories 8. Keep staples for short order meals 9. Do the Math—home vs. frozen products vs. restaurant 10. Cook in quantity to plan ahead 11. Introduce “water breaks” and water as the main drink 12 Read labels, ask questions and look up food information for yourself—become the expert!

29 13. Share ideas--recipes and information tidbits with others 14. Start you own Food Group 15. Ask for recipes from someone over 60 who is healthy 16. Take charge in your own home 17. Start small and notice the difference

30 Where do I get Support for nutrition information ? Local Family Health team 519-323-0255 Web Sites Health Canada www.hc-sc.gc/hleat-aliment/ p Canada’s Food Guild- The Basics Healthy Canadians

31 Family Doctors-healthy information Kraft Canada Part of a Healthy Breakfast New Growth Family Centre Inc. 211 Birmingham St. West. Mount Forest, Ontario N0G2L1 519-509-6432

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