Cardiovascular Disease. Diseases of the heart and blood vessel system  Heart disease is #1 killer in the United States, stroke #4 (CDC)  Washington.

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1 Cardiovascular Disease

2 Diseases of the heart and blood vessel system  Heart disease is #1 killer in the United States, stroke #4 (CDC)  Washington State (CDC) Washington State Cardiovascular disease also contributes to mortality across the globe ( WHO: the burden of heart disease and strokethe burden of heart disease and stroke

3 Cardiovascular Disease Many different terms Conditions are frequently related

4 Hypertension A measure of the force blood exerts against the walls of arteries  Systole - pressure when heart contracts  Diastole - pressure when heart relaxes What is blood pressure? Blood pressure assessment “Hypertension” = “high blood pressure”

5 Why Does Hypertension Matter? Hypertension damages inner lining of artery Artery bleeds Injured area clots, can accumulate “ plaque ” Animation

6 Atherosclerosis Plaque buildup within an artery or arteries A normal artery allows room for blood to flownormal artery An atherosclerotic artery has plaque buildup as a result of damage to the blood vesselplaque An artery becomes damaged  High blood pressure  Smoking Vessel bleeds, forms clot, accumulates plaque  Calcium, fibrin, cholesterol YouTube animation (0:45+)animation

7 Thrombus and Embolus When a blood clot or other foreign body in a blood vessel (thrombus) prevents blood delivery, the human tissue needing the blood delivery can be damaged When a blood clot or piece of plaque breaks off of its origin and travels through the blood vessel system (embolus), human tissue can be damaged Can occur in arteries and veinsveins

8 Coronary Artery Disease, Myocardial Infarction When atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart, the condition is labeled coronary artery disease (CAD) CAD can cause a myocardial infarction (heart attack; through 1:37) CAD can cause a myocardial infarction

9 Coronary Artery Disease, Myocardial Infarction Coronary artery occlusionocclusion Myocardial infarction Coronary artery plaque may not completely halt blood flow but instead reduce it: ischemia  Blood flow reduction to body ’ s tissues  Angina (chest pain or pressure) may result when ischemia occurs in the heart

10 Stroke When a blockage occurs in the brain, reduced blood flow can cause a strokestroke

11 Arrhythmia Normal rhythm = sinus rhythmsinus rhythm  SA node, AV node, bundle branches  Sinus rhythm (click ventricular tachycardia, then sinus rhythm) Sinus rhythm Too fast = tachycardia Too slow = bradycardia Irregular heartbeat  Variation from normal sinus rhythm  Supraventricular tachycardia Supraventricular tachycardia  Atrial fibrillation Atrial fibrillation  Instead of single impulse in the SA node, can be >400bpm  Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular tachycardia  Ventricular fibrillation Ventricular fibrillation

12 Cardiac Arrest Different from myocardial infarction An electrical event Usually due to underlying heart disease Heart stops due to ventricular fibrillation CPR can help blood flow, but defibrillation needed to restart heartdefibrillation

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