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Constructing Bezier Curves on the Surface of a Sphere By Reza Ali Fundamentals of Spatial Computing UCSB MAT 594CM Spring 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Constructing Bezier Curves on the Surface of a Sphere By Reza Ali Fundamentals of Spatial Computing UCSB MAT 594CM Spring 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructing Bezier Curves on the Surface of a Sphere By Reza Ali Fundamentals of Spatial Computing UCSB MAT 594CM Spring 2009

2 Presentation Outline Purpose/Goal Spherical Coordinates & Properties SLERP (spherical linear interpolation) OpenGL Bezier Curves Particle Systems Voronoi & Shaders

3 Purpose/Goal Partition the surface of a sphere using the voronoi algorithm Allow the points that define the voronoi to be an interactive magnetic particle system Real Time manipulate of particles

4 Spherical Voronoi

5 Spherical Coordinates Sphere Equations: Cartesian Equivalents:

6 Sphere Properties Equation of a sphere – Cartesian Coordinates: – Spherical Coordinates: 2 values define a sphere – Center & Radius Geodesic: curve that is the shortest distance between two points

7 Sphere Properties Antipodal: points are located directly opposite of each other on a sphere (no geodesic) Great Circle: the intersection of a plane containing the origin and the unit sphere

8 Spherical Linear Interpolation A method of interpolating between two points on a sphere Estimation: Not good enough this will traverse the geodesic at non- constant rate

9 Spherical Linear Interpolation Z=slerp(x,y,α) (constant rate) Watch for the case Ω=180° (antipodal case) Related to Quaternion

10 Bezier Curves Develop a set of parametric cubic equations to represent curves and surfaces using only a small set of control points (4)

11 Bezier Curves & OpenGL OpenGL evaluator functions allow you to use polynomial equations to produce vertices, normals, textures coordinates, and colors Evaluator functions define a Bezier Curve (also the basis for NURBS)

12 Bezier Curves & OpenGL Function: glMap1f() Data Glfloat ctlpts[4][3] glMap1f( target type Lower t range Higher t range Stride Number of points Reference to points) glEnable(GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3) glMapGrid1d(20,0,1) glEvaMesh1(GL_LINE,0,20) t=(0,1/20,2/20,…1) 20 = number of points to evaluate

13 Particle Systems Developing 3D Particle System The particles will distribute themselves along the surface of a sphere Electromagnetic repulsion Voronoi Pattern Creation based of particle system

14 Voronoi & Shaders Create a voronoi curves that will define a sphere and use these curves as points where light escapes like -> Allow user to interactive with system via GUI (GLV) Real Time, maybe?

15 Inspiration

16 References Principles of Computer Graphics (Shalini Govil-Pai) 3D Computer Graphics (Samuel R. Buss) Wikipedia: Spherical CoordinatesSpherical Coordinates Wikipedia: SphereSphere Google Image Search Efficient Reconstruction of Functions on the Sphere from Scattered Data (Keiner, Kunis, Potts) Efficient Reconstruction of Functions on the Sphere from Scattered Data Vimeo: Mass_InsMass_Ins Spherical Centroid Voronoi Tesselation Distributing Points on a Sphere Voronoi Diagram on the sphere Voronoi Diagram of Curves Objects Voronoi diagrams on the sphere (Na, Lee, Cheong)

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