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Hot SAT Words: Lessons # 1-10. Lesson #9: Penny- Pinching Tightwad? Words relating to CHEAPNESS or care with spending money.

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Presentation on theme: "Hot SAT Words: Lessons # 1-10. Lesson #9: Penny- Pinching Tightwad? Words relating to CHEAPNESS or care with spending money."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hot SAT Words: Lessons # 1-10

2 Lesson #9: Penny- Pinching Tightwad? Words relating to CHEAPNESS or care with spending money

3 AUSTERE Adj. Having great economy; showing self-control when it comes to foregoing luxuries, frills; stern in manner or appearance

4 AUSTERE The poet had lived an AUSTERE life, foregoing all luxuries and creature comforts for the sake of his art. Early in their marriage, my parents lived on an AUSTERE budget that allowed them to buy nothing beyond the bare essentials.

5 AVARICE N. Greed

6 AVARICE The mayor’s AVARICE caused him to embezzle funds from the city’s coffers. AVARICE motivates many people to cheat on their income tax.

7 FRUGAL Adj. careful with money, thrifty; not costly

8 FRUGAL Surprisingly, they were FRUGAL at breakfast, but they spared no expense at dinner. FRUGALITY kept the old woman from spending a penny on anything she didn’t absolutely need.

9 MERCENARY Adj. greedy for self- gain; thinking only of money making

10 MERCENARY What appeared at first to be MERVENARY, turned out to be an unselfish endeavor. Jim Carey’s client in LIAR, LIAR takes a MERCENARY approach first to marriage and then to divorce.

11 MISERLY Adj. careful with how money is spent; stingy; thrifty

12 MISERLY To lose weight, I eat a MISERLY breakfast. Too MISERLY to spend a dollar, she’d rather walk than take the cross-town bus. Ebenezer Scrooge’s are the most famous of MISERLY habits.

13 PARSIMONIOUS Adj. Overly thrifty or miserly; stingy

14 PARSIMONIOUS Gramps is PARSIMONIOUS with his words. Sometimes he doesn’t say anything for days. PARSIMONIOUS Paul never buys anything that’s not on sale. He’s generous to his family, but to outsiders he is the epitome of PARSIMONY.


16 PENURIOUS Adj. stingy; relating to great poverty or destitution

17 PENURIOUS His PENURIOUS childhood taught my father the value of every penny. The PENURY of the family was made apparent by the small cup of soup and crust of bread that Ma served for dinner.

18 THRIFTY Adj. showing care with how money and resources are used

19 THR IFTY Being THIFTY is one thing, but being downright cheap is another. Mama practiced THRIFT by dressing the kids in Hand-me-downs rather than in new clothes.



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