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WALSAIP Portal Automated Composition of Signal Processing Operators Mariana Mendoza Botero.

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Presentation on theme: "WALSAIP Portal Automated Composition of Signal Processing Operators Mariana Mendoza Botero."— Presentation transcript:

1 WALSAIP Portal Automated Composition of Signal Processing Operators Mariana Mendoza Botero

2 Research Description  Goal  Function To develop a grid-based tool to define workflow composition of signal processing operators as an application service. This tool will allow the composition of operators that may be geographically distributed and provided by diverse administrative domains.

3 Research Description, cont.  Methodology The design of the methodology for composing distributed signal operators follows two major requirements: It is desirable to optimize resource management according to the complexity of the operators to be processed. The composition of distributed resources requires metadata distribution and management mechanisms.

4 Research Description, cont.  Grid technologies  Other technologies Underlying this tool there will be existing grid technologies such as Globus Toolkit 4.0 and Gridsphere. Java Language. Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) API.

5 Operators Overview  Arithmetic operators: add, exponential, logarithmic…  Spatial operators: invert, crop, rotate…  Morphological operators: dilation, erosion…  Convolution operators: sharpen, blur, edge detection, filters …

6 Technologies Overview  Globus Toolkit 4.0 (GT4) Is an open source middleware used for building grid systems and applications. Includes a basic installation of WS Core and base grid services such as a Security Infrastructure (GSI), Data Transport Service (GridFTP), Execution Services (GRAM), and Information Service (MDS).

7 Technologies Overview, cont  Gridsphere Portal Framework: Is based on the notion of a “portlet”, a portal server component that controls a user-configurable pane in the user’s web browser. Using Gridsphere, one wraps each grid service with a portlet interface, creating

8 Portlets Overview  Portlet "Java-technology-based web component, managed by a portlet container (in this case GridSphere) that processes requests and generates dynamic content." Portlet Specification. Elements of a Portal Page

9 Portlets Overview, cont. Portlets

10 App. Automated Composition of Signal Processing Operators  Grid Environment Grid Portal interface provides transparent and secure access to end-users. This interface allows end users to define signal processing workflows by using drag and drop functionalities. GridFTP is used to improve data transport from the data server to the Grid Portal server. Operators are deployed as grid services, and may be geographically distributed.

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