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1 GRID D. Royo, O. Ardaiz, L. Díaz de Cerio, R. Meseguer, A. Gallardo, K. Sanjeevan Computer Architecture Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GRID D. Royo, O. Ardaiz, L. Díaz de Cerio, R. Meseguer, A. Gallardo, K. Sanjeevan Computer Architecture Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GRID D. Royo, O. Ardaiz, L. Díaz de Cerio, R. Meseguer, A. Gallardo, K. Sanjeevan Computer Architecture Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

2 2 Outline Internet GRID Globus ULabGrid Summary

3 3 Internet 1962 (tcp/ip) 1994 (www) Used for: EXCHANGE information (documents, messages, images, etc.)

4 4 Outline Internet GRID Globus ULabGrid Summary

5 5 GRID GRID (96): infrastructure that enables the use of computers (and resources in general) owned and managed by multiple organizations Networked virtual supercomputers: networks connecting supercomputers, DB, scientific instruments... distributed geographically

6 6 GRID Applications Smart instruments : Advanced scientific instruments coupled with supercomputers, users and databases. Distributed supercomputing : to solve problems too large to fit on any single computer Teraflop desktops : transfer intensive operations to more capable resources

7 7 GRID Applications Aplication Service Provider (ASP) and Computing farms Service-oriented: Out-sourcing hardware, software, services in general Access any resource through WWW Software and hardware. Idea: the end-users do not acquiere the resources only uses them and pay for it

8 8 Advantages Save money only a PC to access the net (save 30%) management and maintenance (save up 65%) Avoid hardware and software updates ASP’s ensures the updating Flexible information access From anywhere at anytime

9 9 Advantages Possibility to solve new problems Interoperability Small users can access the service Out-source the service is cheap

10 10 System Key Characteristics Heterogeneity at multiple levels Hardware, software, networks, users, etc. Multiple administrative domains Security problems: authentication mechanism, acces policies, etc. Fiability Accounting

11 11 Outline Internet GRID Globus UlabGrid Summary

12 12 Globus What is Globus? Research and development project focused on enabling the application of Grid concepts to scientific and engineering computing To help to build GRIDS and develop GRID applications

13 13 Globus Services Basic modules Resource Management (GRAM) Communication (Nexus) Information (MDS) Security (GSI) Helth & Status (HBM) Remote Data Access (GASS) Executable Management (GEM)

14 14 Globus Services Metacomputing Testbeds I-WAY/GUSTO Globus Toolkit modules Applications and Higher level services

15 15 Globus Services: Nexus Communication services Flexible Nexus Communication Library Define communication links Perform Remote Service Request (RSR) Select the protocol for a RSR depending when, where and what is being communicated MPI: if diferent nodes of a parallel computer TCP/UDP: if different computers reliable/unreliable

16 16 Globus Services: GridFTP Data Transfer Protocol: GridFTP Parallel data transfer: multiple TCP streams Partial file transfer Striped data transfer: partitioning data across multiple servers

17 17 Outline Internet GRID Globus ULabGrid Summary

18 18 ULabGrid Student Web Browser School 1School 2

19 19 ReplicaMgr MetadataDirect oryServer Grid-Proxy GassServer GlobusPortal User Directory Session Scheduler Resource Mgr GassServer Globus-Gatekeeper File Server GSSHFTP Globus- Gatekeeper Pentium IV 1->Deploy Application Student Instructor: Manages Ulab Apps %Vnc-server:1 %nam & GassServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV GassServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV GassServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV GassServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV ULab Grid Web Browser VNC-client 2->Launch NAM 3->Put User Files 4->Exec VNC, Exec NAM 5-Return VNC port 6->Interact with NAM

20 20 ULabGrid Modules Session Scheduler Resource Management Collaborative services File Management Tool management and deployment

21 21 Advantages of using ULabGrid Software installing and maintenance Licensing Easy acces to hardware and software resources Easy to change the lab contents Simplified interfaces

22 22 More advantages... Students can be exercices at home without physical presence at the educational center Students can familiarize with the execution tool environment before the course starts Manuals examples

23 23 Outline Internet GRID Globus ULabGrid Summary

24 24 Summary Information of interest GRID Forum The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, I. Foster and C. Kesselman Morgan Kaufmann

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