*for fun or for competition *different kinds of boards

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Presentation on theme: "*for fun or for competition *different kinds of boards"— Presentation transcript:

1 *for fun or for competition *different kinds of boards
Paragraph 1. *for fun or for competition *different kinds of boards

2 Sailboard ↓ Skateboard↓ Snowboard↓

3 skateboard → the oldest one. what’s a skateboard look like
*skateboard → the oldest one *what’s a skateboard look like *roller skate  homemade scooter  skateboard Paragraph 2.

4 Roller skate homemade scooter

5 Paragraph 3 Two Guys: Bill Richards Mark Their idea. Popular

6 Skateboarding The skateboard is this type.
They may want to use it at first. (But not like it so perfect) Now! It is famous around the world!

7 Thanks for your listening!
The soldier is crazy too!

8 GETTING ON BOARD ‧The fourth paragraph

9 ‧Slow to fast ! ‧Frank Nasworthy! ‧Tricks! ‧Famous in the word!
Outline ‧Slow to fast ! ‧Frank Nasworthy! ‧Tricks! ‧Famous in the word!

10 Vocabulary Urethane: A hard plastic. Twist: Turn.
Competition: Contest. Spread: Open out.

11 Paragraph 5 Skateboarding
X Games

12 Everyone can play this game
Women & kids

13 Even the…… DOG!!

14 Unit11 Getting on Board Paragraph 6

15 ● Windsurfing was born * 1. inventor First: In 1962,
Jim Drake and Fred Payne ; In 1966,Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer

16 * 2. special way ↓↓ used the mast and the universal joint

17 ● Vocabulary 1. patent 專利,專利權,商標,專利證 N.[C] 2. windsurfing 風帆衝浪運動(N.)
Phrase : patent medicine  專利藥品;成藥 2. windsurfing 風帆衝浪運動(N.) 3. sailor 船員;水手;水兵 N.[C] Phrase : sailor suit  男童水手裝 4. come up with * 趕上; * 想出,提供; * 準備好(錢等) 5. combine 使結合;使聯合 Vt. Phrase : combine harvester   聯合收割機 6. attach 裝上,貼上,繫上 Vt. Phrase : attach to  屬於 ; attach importance to 重視 7. speed 速率,速度 N.[C][U] Phrase : speed up (使)加快速度 8. wave 波,波浪 N.[C] Phrase : make waves 興風作浪

18 About Windsurfing common questions basic equipment
Paragraph7 About Windsurfing common questions basic equipment

19 Some common question of windsurfing
Q: Is windsurfing difficult to learn? Q: Is windsurfing dangerous? Q: What kinds of people are suitable for learning windsurfing? Q: Do windsurfers have to be strong?


21 The basic windsurfing equipment
helmet life vest rash guard boots gloves

22 Getting on Board Paragraph 8

23 Snurfer inventor: Sherman Poppen Michigan 1965 Snurfer competition

24 Improve(1970) Dimitrije Milovich Mike Olson Chris Sanders
Jack Burton Tom Sims

25 X-Game Summer X-Game  August Winter X-Game  January
Extreme action sport skiing snowboarding snowmobiling

26 Thanks for listening ! !

27 Paragraph 9 1970-the era of improved 1980-the success of boards


29 Point 1 ★popular ★allow ★1990s ★snowboarding ★ski resorts

30 Point 2 ★snowboder(s) ★owners ★control ★cause ★accident

31 Point 3 ★culture ★fun ★wild tricks ★traditional people jacket(s)
young people ★fun ★wild tricks jacket(s) ★traditional baggy pant(s) loud Music

32 Point 3 ★afraid ★rules ★cause ★problems ★skier(s) ★trouble
★boader(s) ★problems ★slope(s) ★rude

33 Point 5 ★after a while ★owners ★realized ★money ★one after another
★grow up fast    

34 Point 6 ★business ★welcome   ★new guests ★jumps ★courses

35 Point 7 ★learned ★began to understand and respect

36 報★告★完★畢★ ★Thanks for the listening★

37 Paragraph 11 Getting on Board.


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