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Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?

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1 Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?
八年级下册 Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world? Period Three

2 Look! What is it? I am a panda.

3 Free Talk Panda is very precious animals in China.
It is cute and smart. What do you know about panda? Let's share.

4 Talk about pandas. Use these words to help you.
2 Talk about pandas. Use these words to help you. big bamboo zoo popular cute black and white Sichuan famous endangered beautiful forest protect

5 One of the most endangered animals. The Giant Panda Do you know that the Giant Panda is the most endangered animals in the world? Yes, there are only about 2,000 left.

6 The Life of the Giant Panda
a. Panda lives on bamboo、flesh and fruits.It distributes Sichuan、Gansu、and Shanxi provices b. Panda is naughty boy and fond of swimming climbing trees c. Panda has poor eye-sight ,but a sharp sense of smell and hearing

7 Usually one birth produces only one baby,two in rare cases ,but the mother raises only one,the other is left to die Panda have an average life span of 15 years.

8 Protection of the Giant panda
China established nature reserves

9 WWF carried out a series of program on scientific research

10 The giant panda ,not only the national treasure of China but also loved and cared by people around the world.


12 1 research n. 研究 The doctor is doing some research on medicine
1 research n. 研究 The doctor is doing some research on medicine. 2 awake adj. 醒着 Are you awake or sleepy?

13 3 …they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over… 它们兴奋地跑过去,其中一些甚至撞上自己的伙伴面跌倒。 run over 跑上前去 She ran over to say hello, but I haven’t remember her.

14 4 walk into 撞上 Because he was thinking about his bad grades, when he was walking he walked straight into a tree. 5 fall over 摔倒 Many trees fell over after the storms. fall over sth 被某物绊倒 Tom fell over the dog and broke his front teeth.


16 6 illness n. 疾病 He can’t go to school because of illness
6 illness n.疾病 He can’t go to school because of illness. 7 or so 大约 He will return in a week or so.

17 8 Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 科学家们说,如今生活在现存森林里的熊猫不足2000只。 the girls singing under the tree. 9 remaining adj.遗留的 remain v. He depends on his father’s remaining money only.


19 10 artwork n. 插图 The artwork for this book is done by a famous artist
10 artwork n.插图 The artwork for this book is done by a famous artist. 11 wild adj. 野生的 There are wild flowers all over the hill. 12 government The government will give away money to the mountain area.

20 keepers prepare often illness the forests children endangered planting government

21 2c .Scan the article again and write short answers to the questions.
1. What is Lin Wei’s job?__________________________ 2. What do the baby pandas eat forbreakfast? _____________________________ 3. What do adult pandas eat?_____________________ 4. Why are pandas endangered? ________________________________________ 5. What is one way of saving pandas? a panda keeper Milk Bamboo There are only 2000 pandas left in the world. Teaching children to help protect.

22 China has longer history than America One of the oldest civilizations in the world

23 2e. What other ways do you think
children can help to save the pandas?

24 3a. Read the following new words and phrases
abut whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart.

25 3b. Write a paragraph about whales and why
they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster. Whales are ... They live in...

26 Homework 1. Write a short passage to call for people
to protect wild animals. 2. Recite the new words and phrases.

27 祝同学们学习进步!

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