World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO WMO STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2019 Timelines and expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO WMO STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2019 Timelines and expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO WMO STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2019 Timelines and expectations from RAs RA V MG-10 14-15 March 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia

2 WMO OMM Topics 1.Decisions of Cg and EC. 2.What is expected from RAs 3.Structure of OP 2016-2019 4.Summary

3 WMO OMM Decisions of Cg-16, EC-64 and EC-65 Cg-16 (para. 8.5.1-8.5.5): –The GSNs, STs and ERs in WMO SP 2012–2015 should form the basis for the WMO SP 2016–2019; –Requested RAs to: Provide regional needs and priorities that should be taken into consideration in developing the WMO Strategic Plan 2016–2019; Coordinate, as necessary, national contributions to regional aspects of the Plan; and Develop their own Operating Plans in support of the implementation of the next WMO Strategic Plan. EC-64(para 4.8.13-4.8.15) approved the structure, process and timelines for the preparation of the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans 2016-2019 The EC-65(Para requested the EC Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning (WG SOP) to review the draft taking into account the recommendations of the Council and gave guidance from preparing OP. Current draft is available at: and PRAs and PTCs have been requested to provide input for OP.

4 WMO OMM Decisions of Cg-16, EC-64 and EC-65 cont’d Timelines as approved by EC-64: –Input to EC-66 (2014) (a) EC considers the revised draft SP and OP and makes appropriate recommendations to Cg-17 (June 2014) (b) The Secretary-General submits to EC-66 the draft RBB proposal 2016–2019, that is based on the WMO SP and OP 2016–2019, for consideration (June 2014) –Input to Cg-17 (2015) (a) The revised SP and OP are finalized for presentation to Cg-17 (October 2014) (b) The revised RBB proposal 2016–2019 is finalized for presentation to Cg-17 (October 2014)

5 WMO OMM What is expected from RAs To provide regional needs and priorities To coordinate, as necessary, national contributions to regional aspects of the Plan To develop their own Operating Plans

6 WMO OMM Structure of OP 2016-2019 The WMO Operating Plan is results-based and presents programme activities and projects to achieve the vision of the Organization. It has the following sections: –WMO Programme activities planned and funded for implementation; –Technical Commissions Operating Plans and –Regional Associations Operating Plans.

7 WMO OMM Structure of OP 2016-2019 cont’d Activities in the operating plan are expected to be related to the strategic priorities to achieve expected results. Proposed strategic priorities are: –Disaster risk reduction –Service delivery –Global Framework for Climate Services –Scientific Research –WMO Integrated Observing System and –Capacity Development

8 WMO OMM DeptBranchER Key Outcome DeliverablesProgramme Technical Commissio n ActivityY2016Y2017Y2018Y2016 Structure of OP 2016-2019 cont’d Similar to 2012-2015 with a possibility of including more details on grouping activities

9 WMO OMM Summary  The contributions of RAs and TCs are essential in ensuring the SP and OP represent the shared strategic direction and efficient implementation of the SP.  The SP is being reviewed by Members to provide more input for further improvement.  The drafting of the OP is in progress.  The draft SP and OP was considered by WG SOP in February 2014 and will be dscussed at EC-66 in June 2014

10 WMO OMM Thank you

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