AOI Institute Orientation. About AOI AOI Institute was first established in May 2003 and we are proudly the first fully online institute in Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "AOI Institute Orientation. About AOI AOI Institute was first established in May 2003 and we are proudly the first fully online institute in Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOI Institute Orientation

2 About AOI AOI Institute was first established in May 2003 and we are proudly the first fully online institute in Australia delivering Information Technology courses Australia wide. Later on in 2005 we were registered to deliver our courses for international students. Our delivery scope was also extended for Hospitality, Electrotechnology and Business courses. English language courses were also recently added to our wide range of qualifications delivered to local and international students.

3 Campus and facilities Our campus is located right in the heart of Melbourne CBD, therefore it is convenient for students living in city or in surrounding suburbs. The tram stop is just at the front of our building. 108 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Website :


5 Building floor plan AOI office

6 Organization chart General Manager Accountant Teachers reception

7 Office seating plan

8 State and Commonwealth legislation, agreements and awards  Racial Discrimination Act 1975  Disability Discrimination Act 1992  Sex Discrimination Act 1984  Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986  Occupational health and safety

9 Salary and Benefits current remuneration is $60,000 (insert base salary information) per annum plus the Company Superannuation Guarantee Charge "Superannuation Guarantee Charge" contribution currently is 9% of the salary Annual Leave provision is twenty working days per annum Salary will be raised after the trail period 15%. Your paid Sick/Careers Leave provision is six days in your first year of service and ten days per annum thereafter

10 Probationary and Notice period The Period of Notice required from you to terminate employment with the Company during your probation period is one week AOI provide three months for probationary period.

11 Work hour 5 days / week Class on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday Time : 8.30-15.30 Day off : Sunday,Monday

12 KPI Attendance Drop-out rate continuing students rate Students conversion from trial to active Feedback at the end of every lesson Graduation Rate

13 Security and passes Staff ID card Password

14 Questions??? Please give us some suggestions Than you for your feedback

15 Thank you

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