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Students with ASD Some useful considerations for professionals.

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1 Students with ASD Some useful considerations for professionals

2 Australian legislation 1992: Disability Discrimination ACT: (DDA) 2005: A set of standards to supplement the DDA Features of the DDA 1.DDA defines both the traditional impairment (physical, intellectual, psychiatric & sensory disabilities) as well others such as learning disabilities, ADHD, behaviour problems and physical disfigurements. 2.The standards address: enrolment, curriculum, participation, student support services and elimination of victimisation.

3 What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? ASD is a developmental disability in which there is dysfunction of some parts of the brain and central nervous system. This affects how a child learns to understand and use language and to interact with people and the environment.

4 Cognitive Strengths of Aspies Characterised by at least four of the following: strong preference for detail over gestalt original, often unique perspective in problem solving exceptional memory and/or recall of details often forgotten or disregarded by others, for example: names, dates, schedules, routines avid perseverance in gathering and cataloguing information on a topic of interest persistence of thought encyclopaedic or "CD ROM" knowledge of one or more topics knowledge of routines and a focused desire to maintain order and accuracy clarity of values/decision making unaltered by political or financial factors From: The Discovery of "Aspie" Criteria by Attwood and Gray

5 What factors influence how students with ASDs learn? learnin g motivation concrete cognitive style perceptual rigidity memoryattention theory of mind executive function learning style information processing metacognition perfectionism resistance to change difficulty dealing with transitions low frustration tolerance poor time management organisational difficulties learns in chunks “gestalt”

6 What factors influence how students with ASDs learn? Activity: You will be given a characteristic from the previous page. Answer the following questions: Describe characteristic: Why and how does this characteristic affect the student with an ASD? How does this characteristic impact upon the student with an ASD’s learning in the classroom?

7 Professional Reflection....... What strategies can YOU use as a class teacher to enhance the learning of a student with ASD in the classroom?

8 What factors influence how students with an ASD communicate? Communicatio n monotonal quality Literal interpretation Difficulty with non verbal behaviours Difficulty with jokes / idioms/ sarcasm Limited symbolic thought inappropriate volume formal language difficulty initiating conversation difficulty sustaining conversation Impaired language processing impaired auditory processing

9 Activity: You will be given a characteristic from the previous page. Answer the following questions: Describe characteristic: Why and how does this characteristic affect the student with an ASD? How does this characteristic affect the student with an ASD’s communication in the classroom?

10 Professional Reflection....... What strategies can YOU use as a class teacher to enhance the communication of a student with ASD in the classroom?

11 Ideas and notes

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