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Period 5 Learning strategy: USING WHAT YOU KNOW You know more than you think!When you are faced with a task or asituation, use what you know already.

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2 Period 5

3 Learning strategy: USING WHAT YOU KNOW You know more than you think!When you are faced with a task or asituation, use what you know already to help you learn more, or deal with the problem. If I were you, I’d have a first-aid book on a nearby shelf in your home. aid n. 帮助;救助 first-aid 急救 nearby adj. 位置近的;不远的 shelf n. ( 书架等的 ) 搁架

4 Words & Expressions come out 出来;出版,发表 cover v. 覆盖;遮掩 press v. 按;压;挤 deep adj. 深的 downstairs adv. 顺楼梯而下 correct adj. 对的;正确的;准确的 burn v. 烧伤;烧坏 knee n. 膝;膝盖 pain n. 疼;疼痛 e.g. The magazine comes out once a month. e.g. You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. e.g. Be careful! The river is very deep. e.g. Let’s go downstairs. e.g. Is that correct? e.g. The house is burnt by fire. e.g. What if you injured your knee while running? e.g. I had a pain in my head yesterday.

5 hurt v. 使 … 受伤;受伤害 safety n. 安全 offer v. 提供 refuse v. 拒绝;回绝 helpful adj. 有帮助的;有用的 treat v. 对待 burn n. 火、热或酸所造成的伤害或伤痕 e.g. My brother fell off the bike and hurt himself. e.g. The teacher took the children to the safety. e.g. Ann offered a good suggestion. e.g. She refused his invitation. e.g. This book is very helpful for you. e.g. The old woman treated the poor girl as her own daughter. e.g. How do you deal with such a small burn.

6 1.What would you do if your bike was broken on the way to school? If my bike was broken on the way to school, I would take a taxi or a bus. 2. What would you do if you left your homework at home? If I left my homework at home, I would say sorry to my teacher and tell him I wouldn’t leave it next time.

7 Question 1: What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? Question 2:What would you do if you fell downstairs. fall downstairs

8 Question 4: What would you do if you injured your knee while running? injure his knee

9 Question 3: What would you do if you burned yourself by accident? burn

10 Next time if you meet any accidents, Keep calm!

11 You should /shouldn’t do….. You had better do/ not do…. You can /can’t do… You could do… You have to do… Why don’t you do…? Why not do….? What /How about doing …? If I were you, I would do … Giving advice:

12 Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers. His new book, What Would You Do If…? came out last month. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations. Here are two pages from the book. She has a lot of experience in teaching. come out = publish 出版 Martin Robinson have experience (in)doing sth. 在做某事方面有经验

13 Question 1: What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? Question 2: If my grandmother fell downstairs, and wasn’t moving, I’d hurry to call the hospital first. Is that correct? ACCIDENTS Doctor: You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. If it’s a deep cut, you should see a doctor. Doctor: Yes, speed is very important. Get the medical help first, then make her comfortable and stay with her.

14 Question 3: What would you do if you burned yourself by accident? Question 4: What would you do if you injured your knee while running? Doctor: Well, first find out how bad it is. Then put the burned area under cold running water. Doctor: If I felt some pain, I’d stop exercising. And if it hurt for more than a few days, I’d see a doctor.

15 Problem 1: A friend offers you cigarettes at a party. Problem 2: Children often think medicine is candy and eat it. PROBLEMS Advice: Of course you should refuse! If I were you, I’d also talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking. Advice: You must always hide medicine from children, and you should tell children to ask their parents before they eat “candy” they find.

16 Problem 3: An “internet friend” has asked if you could meet. Problem 4: You get pimples when you are nervous. Advice: You should tell your parents about it, agree to meet in a public place, and you shouldn’t go alone. Advice: You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.

17 Discuss these questions with a partner 1.Why is cold running water helpful to treat a small burn? Burns are the result of an excess of heat, and the skin continue to burn, so cold water could stop the burning. Because it’s always better to have more than one person present if you feel you might be in danger. A criminal is less likely to commit a crime in public when there are several people around. 2. Why would it be dangerous to meet an “internet friend”? 3. Have you ever experienced one accident or problem in the reading? How did you deal with it?

18 Add one more “accident” and one more “problem” to Dr Robinson’s book. Question:Problem: Doctor:Advice: What would you do if you were bitten by an animal? First, you’d wash the cut under cold running water, next, cover the broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible. Some classmates laugh at you when you make mistakes. You should not mind. It’s very common for everyone to make mistakes and you can learn a lot from mistakes that you have made.

19 Reading 1.know of sth/sb 知道 …… 的情况 1.know of sth/sb 知道 …… 的情况 accedent 偶然地 accedent 偶然地 3.cover … with 用 … 覆盖 3.cover … with 用 … 覆盖 4.hurry to do sth 匆忙地干某事 4.hurry to do sth 匆忙地干某事 (hurry to somewhere 匆忙地到某处去 ) (hurry to somewhere 匆忙地到某处去 ) 5. get help 得到帮助 5. get help 得到帮助 6.stay with 与 … 呆在一起 6.stay with 与 … 呆在一起 7.burn sb 烧 / 烫着某人 burned area 烧 / 烫着的部位 7.burn sb 烧 / 烫着某人 burned area 烧 / 烫着的部位

20 8.cold running water 流动的冷水 8.cold running water 流动的冷水 9. the danger of … 的危险性 9. the danger of … 的危险性 10.hide sth from sb 隐瞒某人某事 10.hide sth from sb 隐瞒某人某事

21 Writing Traffic jams are a very serious problem in Hangzhou. The street are full of cars, buses, and bikes almost everyday. Even worse, some people don’t follow the traffic rules. how to make our city more beautiful? What would you do to improve the traffic in Hangzhou? Please write two or three suggestions on this problem by using the structures of giving advice.

22 One possible version: To improve the traffic in Hangzhou, I think, first, we should widen or build more roads to provide better traffic conditions. Second, if I were the government, I would encourage more people to use public transport and bicycles to make the traffic flow easier. Third, everyone in Hangzhou, especially those who drive or walk on the street, should follow the traffic rules.

23 Name: QuestionsAnswers 1.Have you ever had an accident? 2.What happened? 3.What did you do ? 4.Have you ever had a problem? 5.Did you ask for advice? 6.Did the advice help? Write a report on your exercise book.

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