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2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Church corruption Intellectual and.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Church corruption Intellectual and."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Church corruption Intellectual and social Reforms Principle beliefs in different religions Corruption in the Catholic Church

2 Who issued the sale of indulgences?

3 A: Who is Pope Leo X

4 What is simony?

5 Simony is the sale of Church offices to people that do not necessarily have the acquired skills made for the job.

6 What is nepotism and why was it popular among high Church officials?

7 Nepotism is the favoritism of family members in the appointment of Church offices. This system was popular among high Church officials because it would allow them to gain more power by having family involved in the Church.

8 how did moral decline of the papacy affect the Catholic religion in Europe?

9 Moral decline of the papacy affected European religion because the clergy began to do tasks that were not supposed to do. These tasks include affairs, children out of wedlock, and priests that kept concubines. When the people of Europe discovered what the papacy was doing, they started to lose respect in them, which increased their faith in other rising religions such as Protestantism.

10 point: After complaints from reformers, why were Bishops obligated to visit local parishes often? Use the specific term referring to priest’s lack of presence at church.

11 Bishops were obligated to visit local parishes frequently because the people of Europe wanted more contact with their religion to save themselves from sin. Some priests however, did not preach as often as the people wanted and few did not even show up at all. This absence from church duties is called absenteeism. As a result, Bishops had to spend more time with the people.

12 Who invented the printing press and printed the Bible?

13 Johannes Guttenberg

14 Who wrote the Imitation of Christ which became the central text to the New Piety?

15 Thomas A Kempis

16 What does Sola Scriptura mean?

17 By the Word alone

18 What was the Purpose of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion?

19 To defend the French Protestants against persecution

20 Who was the first to translate and prepare an edition of the Greek text of the Bible?

21 Erasmus

22 )Who wrote the 95 Theses that attacked the Church?

23 Martin Luther

24 Who was Luther’s closest ally at the Diet of Worms?

25 Frederick of Saxony or Frederick the Wise

26 What major event caused Henry VIII to turn away from the Church?

27 He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but Pope Leo X did not agree with it.

28 Who brought the Reformation to Geneva?

29 John Calvin

30 Name 3 difference between Luther and Calvin (beliefs or lives)

31 Calvin: predestination,Absolutism(3 rd sacrament he believed in), Eucharist as memorial only, priest to lawyer, Luther: faith for salvation, communion and baptism, Eucharist by consubstantiation(spirit) lawyer to priest

32 What were the 2 sacraments Luther believed in?

33 Baptism and communion

34 Salvation by faith alone was a major teaching of….

35 Lutheransim

36 Name the 7 sacraments of the Catholic church

37 Baptism, communion, confirmation, marriage, reconciliation, holy orders, anointing of the sick

38 What is the name of the process in the catholic church where the Eucharist becomes the body of Jesus?

39 Transubstantiation

40 Identify and elaborate on 4 differences between Luther’s doctrines and those of the Catholic Church

41 1)Salvation: Catholic: good works and faith, Luther: faith alone 2)Holy Sacraments: Catholic: 7 Luther: 2 Communion and baptism 3)Religious Authority: Catholic: comes from Bible and papal decrees Luther: just Bible 4)Def of Church: Catholic: buildings and clergy define church, Luther: community of Christian believers 5)Eucharist : Catholic: transubstantiation, Luther: Consubstantiation

42 What were some of the religious counter reformation groups?

43 Jesuits, Uruslines, Carmelites, Capuchins

44 What were the new obligations of the Bishops?

45 1. Live in diocese 2. Strengthen the authority of local Bishops 3. Bishops must preach daily and make annual visits to parishes

46 What did the Church preach that stated that people's sins would be forgiven?

47 Sales of indulgences and good works

48 -What were the main goals of the Council of Trent?

49 The Council of Trent was created to The make many decisions for the church during its years in session in an effort to establish the traditions and doctrines of the church, as well as to correct the corruption within it. It was a response to issues raised by the Protestant Reformers.

50 Name at least 3 pronouncements from the Council of Trent

51 1)Salvation is by good works and faith 2)The seven sacraments are valid; transubstantiation is reaffirmed 3)Sources of religious authority are in Bible, and papacy. Individuals cannot interpret Bible without help form church 4)Monasticism, celibacy and and the existence of purgatory was reaffirmed. 5)Attempts were made to reform abuses, bishops got power of clergy, and seminars are established for training priests

52 JEOPARDY GAME Great! I have the blank jeopardy file. Now, how do I create my own jeopardy game using this blank format. The hard part has been done for you--you have the easy part! Before we begin, you will need to download the Blank Jeopardy game from the web site. Open it by clicking on it. Go to File, Save As, Save it to your Desktop or a folder. 1. Click on your Blank Jeopardy to open it in Powerpoint. 2. Decide on your categories at the top. You need 5 categories. 3. If you want to change the color of the font, highlight the category, click on the font color button's down arrow and choose the color of your choice. 4. Double click in the first blank category and begin typing your first category. Continue to do this for all five categories. Click on File, Save As to save your work. You will want to give it a name, e.g. Science ch. 5 review. This will leave your "blank jeopardy file", blank for you to create other games. 5. Go to the lower left hand corner and choose the Slide Sorter View. 6. Choose the second slide and double click on it. 7. If you do not have the DRAW toolbar at the bottom of your screen, go to VIEW, Toolbars, and click on Drawing. You should now see the Draw toolbar. 8. Click on the Text button. Click again to position the text box on your slide toward the top and in the middle. 9. Begin typing your first answer. 10. Double Click on slide 3, repeat step 11 and type your question. Remember the format of Jeopardy. The answer is in the form of a question. 11. Periodically, save your work by clicking on the little diskette in your menu bar. 12. Each slide is in order, going down the category e.g.: First category on the far left for 1 point is slide number 2 and 3. First category for 2 points is slide number 4 and 5 etc. 13. If you want to include two "daily doubles", just change the color of the question and answer to yellow. We included two daily doubles because we play with two teams and would like each team to have the opportunity to score a daily double. But as you know, it doesn't always work out that way! Enjoy creating and playing Jeopardy!

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