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Abraham Lincoln. Q1. How tall was Abraham Lincoln? A. 6’4” Abraham Lincoln stood at 6 feet 4 inches. The average height for a man in the 1860’s was 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham Lincoln. Q1. How tall was Abraham Lincoln? A. 6’4” Abraham Lincoln stood at 6 feet 4 inches. The average height for a man in the 1860’s was 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham Lincoln

2 Q1. How tall was Abraham Lincoln? A. 6’4” Abraham Lincoln stood at 6 feet 4 inches. The average height for a man in the 1860’s was 5 feet, 5 ½ inches.

3 Q2. Was Abraham Lincoln the first president to die in office? A. No Abraham Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated. He died on April 15 th, 1865 William Henry Harrison was the first president to die while in office. He died one month after his inauguration of pneumonia on April 4 th, 1841.

4 Q3. Does Lincoln have a photograph with just him and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln? A. No There are no pictures taken of just Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln together. The only picture you’ll see them together is with their children in it.

5 Q4. Does Abraham Lincoln have any living descendants? A. No Abraham Lincoln Mary Todd Lincoln Robert Todd Lincoln 1843-1926 Edward Baker Lincoln 1846-1850 William Wallace Lincoln 1850-1862 Mary “Mamie” Lincoln 1869-1938 Abraham Lincoln II 1873-1890 Tad Lincoln 1853-1871 Jessie Harlan Lincoln 1875-1948 Lincoln Isham 1892-1971 Mary Lincoln Beckwith 1898-1975 Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith 1904-1985

6 Q5. How much education did Abraham Lincoln have? A. First Grade Reasons and How he got educated: He grew up in a poor family that couldn’t afford sending him to school. He was home schooled.

7 Q6. What state was Abraham Lincoln born in? A. Kentucky

8 Q7. Was Abraham Lincoln’s Sweetheart Anne Rutledge? A. Yes Lincoln saying goodbye to Anne Rutledge before he left campaigning for the Illinois State Legislature. Anne died of Typhoid on August 25 th, 1835.

9 These are just seven of the many interesting facts about our 16 th president. This country as we know it would not exist without him.

10 Work Cited o o 1860 1860 o

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