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Fakebook is… WallPhotos Insert Colony Name Here Logout View photos of Send a message Poke Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Networks::

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Presentation on theme: "Fakebook is… WallPhotos Insert Colony Name Here Logout View photos of Send a message Poke Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Networks::"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fakebook is… WallPhotos Insert Colony Name Here Logout View photos of Send a message Poke Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Networks:: Birthday: Religion: Hometown: Friends friend date friend date

2 Personal Information Fakebook is …. WallPhotos Colony Name Here Logout View photos of Send a message Poke Wall InfoPhotos References Basic Information Information Networks: Birthday: Religion: Hometown: Photos Networks: Birthday: Hometown: Political Views: Religious Views: Activities: Interests: Favorite Music: Favorite Books: Favorite Quotation: : Title of Album Updated 2 Albums Title of Album Updated Contact Information Email Address:

3 Fakebook WallPhotos Colony Name Here Logout WallInfoPhotos Photos of _____________ Albums 2 Photo Alums Name of Album # of photos Name of Album # of photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Is…

4 References

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