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Facebook Edgar Allan Poe WallPhotosFlairBoxesEdgar Allan PoeLogout View photos of Edgar Allan Poe (#) Send EAP a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Edgar Allan Poe WallPhotosFlairBoxesEdgar Allan PoeLogout View photos of Edgar Allan Poe (#) Send EAP a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Edgar Allan Poe WallPhotosFlairBoxesEdgar Allan PoeLogout View photos of Edgar Allan Poe (#) Send EAP a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Birthday: Political: Religion: Hometown: Friends

2 Personal Information facebook Edgar Allan Poe WallPhotosFlairBoxesEdgar Allan PoeLogout View photos of Edgar Allan Poe (#) Send EAP a message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Birthday: Political: Religion: Hometown: Photos Networks: Sex: Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: Political Views: Religious Views: Activities: Interests: Favorite Music: Favorite Movies: Favorite TV Shows: Favorite Books: (#) Albums Contact Information Address: Phone Number:

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesEdgar Allan PoeLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Edgar Allan Poe (#) Photos Poe’s Albums (#) Photo Alums Edgar Allan Poe

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