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P.L. 102-477 P.L. 102-477 Indian Employment, Training, and related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 Amended by P.L. 106-568, the Omnibus Indian Advancement.

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Presentation on theme: "P.L. 102-477 P.L. 102-477 Indian Employment, Training, and related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 Amended by P.L. 106-568, the Omnibus Indian Advancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 P.L. 102-477 P.L. 102-477 Indian Employment, Training, and related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 Amended by P.L. 106-568, the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act of 2000

2 “477” A Step Towards Self-Governance  Unique Federal Legislation that allows Tribes to combine formula funded Federal grants that are employment and training-related into a single plan with a single budget and a single reporting system.  There is no separate funding associated with P.L. 201-477– All funds in a “477” Plan are those the Tribe would otherwise receive under the authority of the individual programs it chooses to consolidate.

3 Federal Programs Affected  DOI BIA GA GA AVT AVT Direct Employment Direct Employment Higher Ed Higher Ed TWEP TWEP JOM JOM  DOL WIA Comprehensive Adult WIA Comprehensive Adult Supplemental Youth Supplemental Youth  DHHS NEW NEW TANF TANF Child Care Child Care

4 2000 Amendments 477 Strengthened by P.L. 106-568  Allows Tribe to dedicate 477 funds to economic development and job creation (Greater of: 1) unemployment rate up to 25% or, 2)10% of 477 Plan Funds) VS  Preparing the individual for employment

5 Benefits  Improve the effectiveness of services through a one stop shop  Increase number of Native Americans served  Reduce joblessness and unemployment  Serve tribally-determined priorities  Reduce administrative burden and spend fewer resources on administrative requirements

6 Participation in 477  “Guidance to Tribal Governments” Submit a Plan with authorizing Resolution at least 120 days prior to start of the fiscal year Office of Indian Energy & Economic Development Office of Indian Energy & Economic Development Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs Ms. Lynn Forcia, Chief, Division of Workforce Development Phone: 202-219-5270 Fax: 292-208-2671 WEBSITE:

7 Citizen Potawatomi Nation Our Story  477 through our SG Agreement includes the following: BIA Higher Ed, AVT, DE, GA, and JOM; DOL WIA Adult and Youth; DHHS Child Care  One Annual Report includes Narrative and Statistical Performance Measures  Economic Development including a revolving loan pool administered through the CPN Community Development Corporation, farm equipment, and grocery store personnel and training (start-up)  Utilize a simple contract with the business owner which includes required statistics—Number of jobs created

8 477 Current Issues  DHHS has challenged the “638 contract authority” for TANF—Threatening to pull all DHHS programs from Contracts and Compacts.  DHHS has held up 100% funding drawdown for those programs larger than $1 million.  DOEd—Despite 477 legislative authority in the Carl Perkins Act (1998), the Education Department required all separate program rules and would not allow integration of NAVTEP into 477.  DOL—WIA (strong supporter of 477) lost it’s separate administration as a “Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP)” through a departmental reorganization.

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