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The Compromises Unit 1 Pre-Civil War. The Missouri Compromise (aka The Compromise of 1820) Keeps the balance between free states and slave states 36.

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Presentation on theme: "The Compromises Unit 1 Pre-Civil War. The Missouri Compromise (aka The Compromise of 1820) Keeps the balance between free states and slave states 36."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Compromises Unit 1 Pre-Civil War


3 The Missouri Compromise (aka The Compromise of 1820) Keeps the balance between free states and slave states 36 30’ line – No slavery above (except Missouri) Maine – Free state Missouri – Slave state


5 The Compromise of 1850 California enters as a free state (Gold Rush 49) Henry Clay “The Great Compromiser” Outlaws slavery in Washington D.C. Fugitive slave act of 1850


7 Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 “Bleeding Kansas” violence People from Missouri go to Kansas to vote pro-slavery Lawrence, Kansas attacked by pro-slavery group John Brown, the abolitionist

8 Preston Brooks v Charles Sumner

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