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Impact of Budget Cuts on BCC Programs and Services BCC BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIOS.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Budget Cuts on BCC Programs and Services BCC BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Budget Cuts on BCC Programs and Services BCC BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIOS

2 5% Reduction Object Codes: 5503, 5506, 5603, 5605 Items of Reduction: Electricity, water, offsite facility leases, equipment rentals Total Amount of Reduction $39,480…..Electricity $2,000……Water $10,000…..Offsite Facility Leases $4,000……Equipment Rentals TOTAL 5% REDUCTION: $55,480

3 10% Reduction Items of Reduction (plus items in 5% scenario):  Supplies  Consultants  Conference  Non-Teaching Assignments  Clerical Hourly  Events Total Amount of Reduction: $110,961

4 15% Reduction Items of Reduction (includes everything in 5% & 10%):  Non-Teaching Assignments  Supplies  Consultants  Publishing  Subscriptions  Clerical Hourly  Events  Conference  Travel Total Amount of Reduction: $163,441

5 5 % Reduction by Items 10% Reduction by Items (Plus 5% Scenario) 15% Reduction by Items (Includes 5% and 10% Scenarios) Electricity$39,480Supplies$4,200Non-Teaching $55,126 Water$2,000Consultants$4,489Supplies$9,241 Offsite Facility Leases$10,000Conference$1,000Consultants$4,489 Equipment Rentals$4,000Non-Teaching$35,000Publishing $3,000 Clerical Hourly$2,000Subscriptions$1,950 Events / Misc.$8,792Clerical Hourly$4,000 Events/Misc$12,806 Conference$2,785 Equipment$5,765 Travel/Internet Fees$3,409 Off-Site Rentals (increase reduction)$5,390 5% Reductions$55,4805% Reductions$55,480 TOTALS $55,480.00 $110,961.00 $163,441.00

6 Impact of 15% Budget Reduction Reduction in Fund 1 support for curriculum development. Reduction in clerical assistants, impacting instructional programs and student support. Reduction in non-instructional supplies, impacting health and safety. Reduction in equipment purchases and repairs. Reduction in consultants impacting fundraising efforts. Reduced or no travel and conference opportunities.

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