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Can you recognize this continent? That’s right North America and the green area is where you can find Black Bears today. So do Black Bears like to live.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you recognize this continent? That’s right North America and the green area is where you can find Black Bears today. So do Black Bears like to live."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you recognize this continent? That’s right North America and the green area is where you can find Black Bears today. So do Black Bears like to live near the ocean, desert, forest, tundra, or wetlands?

2 A Black Bears habitat is a forest or tundra.

3 So if a Black Bear lives in the forest or tundra then what's wrong with these pictures?

4 Black Bear Can you guess what a Black Bear eats?

5 Does a Black Bear wait to be served dinner?

6 Bears prefer fruits, nuts, acorns and succulent greens, what kind of diet is this?

7 So if a Black Bear is omnivore then what's wrong with this pictures?

8 Do you smell something? Bears are great smellers! Their nasal mucosa is 100x greater than a human.

9 Be careful not to step in it! This is a Black Bear scat. What do you think it smells like? Hint: remember their diet.

10 How tall do you think a Black Bear is? Standing on all fours a bear is about 2-3 feet tall at the shoulders and when standing upright a bear is 5ft tall. Bonus: how many cm is this?

11 Do you think this Black Bear has an itch? Well, it’s more than in itch- love is in the air-it’s mating season. Bears mark their scents by rubbing their bodies on trees. Do you remember their sense of smell?

12 It’s that time again to hibernate. What do you know about hibernation? Can you guess what season a bear hibernates by looking at the middle picture?

13 When a Black Bear hibernates their body temperature drops. They can sleep for months without having to eat, drink or go to the bathroom. For female bears they wake up to give birth to their cubs.

14 Black Bears birthdays are between January or early February why is this?

15 What to learn more? Of course you do, so why not visit these websites. ar/index.shtm

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