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Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Participants of the International Arctic Buoy Programme [IABP] Hosted by Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) Toulouse,

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Presentation on theme: "Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Participants of the International Arctic Buoy Programme [IABP] Hosted by Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) Toulouse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Participants of the International Arctic Buoy Programme [IABP] Hosted by Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) Toulouse, France 16 – 18 June 2008 Coordinator’s Report Status of the buoy array Deployment plans and opportunities IABP Web Pages

2 May 2007 Deployments 106 buoys were reporting on May 11, 2007 not including 32+ buoys for DAMOCLES NWP study many buoys deployed as clusters of Automated Drifting Stations

3 Summer 2007 Deployments 56+ more deploys

4 White Trident

5 IABP Array September 2007 97+ buoys reporting. Many met. Buoys and small GPS clusters of buoys ceased reporting. Observations from DAMOCLES NWP study not shown nor included in count (35+ buoys) Poor ice conditions during record summer minimum limited deployments. DAMOCLES (Federov & Polarstern)

6 IABP Array September 2007 Buoys provided by many different Participants.

7 IABP Array September 2007 26 of 53 buoys providing met. obs. were ICEXAIR buoys deployed by NAVO.

8 IABP Array by the End of October 2007 95+ buoys reporting. Ice Breakers finish up deployments. NP-35 deployed at 82.5N 104E. NP-35

9 October 2007 October 2007 Age of Sea Ice

10 November November 2007 Age of Sea Ice

11 December December 2007 Age of Sea Ice

12 January January 2008 Age of Sea Ice

13 February February 2008 Age of Sea Ice

14 March March 2008 Age of Sea Ice

15 September 15 2007 – April 15 2008 Lost 30 buoys from Sept. to April. 68 buoys reporting before Spring deployments. 10 buoys deployed by PSC and EC during March and April owned by NIC and NOAA/AOML.

16 2) EC (March): 2 Ice Beacons Met. & 2 SVP-B Buoys 4.) AWI, SAMS, & Switchyard (April): 3 Met. & 6 GPS buoys. 3.) NPEO (April): 1 IMB, 1 Ocean ITP, 1 Met. Station, 3 SVP (P), 1 Ocean Flux, & 1 Radiometer buoys 1) PSC CTD Flights (March): 3 SVP-B buoys. ITP, IMB, O. Flux, Met. Station, Radiometer AWI SVP-B Ice Beacon SVP-B IABP Deployment Plans for IPY in Spring 2008 The small green dots show the location of drifting buoys reporting March 4, 2008. The pink dots show the expected locations on April 15, 2008; and red dots for August 15, 2008. SVP-B Ice Beacon SVP-B AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met., Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys Met. Buoy IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys 5.) DAMOCLES (April): 3 IMB, 8 AITP, 1 Ice Thickness, & 9 Met. Buoys, SVP-B

17 ITP, IMB, O. Flux, Met. Station, Radiometer AWI SVP-B Ice Beacon SVP-B IABP Deployment Plans for IPY in Summer 2008 The small green dots show the location of drifting buoys reporting March 4, 2008. The pink dots show the expected locations on April 15, 2008; and red dots for August 15, 2008. SVP-B Ice Beacon SVP-B AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met., Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys Met. Buoy IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys SVP-B ICEXAIR POPS, SVP-B, etc. SVP-B, etc. POPS, SVP-B, etc. ITP, SVP-B 9) Polarstern Cruise (Summer) 3 Ocean, N SVP-E, & SVP-US, etc. 7) NABOS Cruise (Summer): 10+ SVP-E & SVP-US Buoys POPS, SVP-B 10) CCG Louie St. Laurent (Summer): 3 Ocean ITP & 2 IMB Buoys ITP IMB O. Flux ITP, IMB ITP IMB O. Flux 6) DAMOCLES Cruise (Summer): 2 AITP, 4 ITP, N IMB, N SVP-US, etc. ITP, SVP-B POPS, SVP-B ITP, IMB Calib 11) CCG Sir Wilfred Laurier (Summer): 1 SVP 12) CCG Amundsen (Summer): 3 Calib 13) CCG ice breaker (Summer): 4 Calib Calib 14-15) USCG Healy & Polar Sea (Summer): N AXIB, N SVP-US 16) CASIMBA (Summer): 1 IMB, 3 Ice Canisters, 3 SVP, N SVP-US, N Ice Beacons. 17) SIZONET (Summer): 2 IMB, N SVP-US 18) McGill U. (Summer): 1 IMB, 1 Stress 8) US Naval Oceanographic Office WHITE TRIDENT Flight (August): 7 ICEXAIR, 6 SVP-TC80 Buoys SVP-TC80

18 April April 2008 Age of Sea Ice

19 May 2008 Expected Age

20 June 2008 Expected Age

21 July 2008 Expected Age

22 August 2008 Expected Age

23 August 2008 Expected Age & Concentration Lots of Open Water Fractured Old Ice

24 August 2008 Expected Age & Concentration 8) US Naval Oceanographic Office WHITE TRIDENT Flight (August): 7 ICEXAIR, 6 SVP-TC80 Buoys SVP-TC80

25 NABOS Cruise (15 SVP-B Buoys) August 2008 Expected Age & Concentration

26 Polarstern Cruise (AWI, DAMOCLES, JAMSTEC) CASIMBA (AWI, CRREL, PSC) POPS, SVP-B, etc. SVP-B, etc. POPS, SVP-B, etc. ITP, SVP-B 9) Polarstern Cruise (Summer) 3 Ocean, N SVP-E, & SVP-US, etc. POPS, SVP-B ITP, SVP-B POPS, SVP-B 16) CASIMBA (Summer): 1 IMB, 3 Ice Canisters, 3 SVP, N SVP-US, N Ice Beacons.

27 DAMOCLES Spring and Summer Chinese ice breaker Xuelong SVP-B AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys AITP,& Met., Buoys AITP,& Met. Buoys Met. Buoy IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys IMB, AITP, & Met. Buoys ICEXAIR

28 SVP-B IABP Deployment Plans for IPY in Summer 2008 SVP-B ICEXAIR 10) CCG Louie St. Laurent (Summer): 3 Ocean ITP & 2 IMB Buoys ITP IMB O. Flux ITP, IMB ITP IMB O. Flux ITP, IMB Calib 11) CCG Sir Wilfred Laurier (Summer): 1 SVP 12) CCG Amundsen (Summer): 3 Calib 13) CCG ice breaker (Summer): 4 Calib Calib 17) SIZONET (Summer): 2 IMB, N SVP-US 18) McGill U. (Summer): 1 IMB, 1 Stress SVP-B 14-15) USCG Healy & Polar Sea (Summer): 2 AXIB, 6-10 SVP-B IMB

29 IABP Deployment Plans for IPY in Summer 2008 120+ buoys at 80 separate points. SVP-B Calib 18) McGill U. (Summer): 1 IMB, 1 Stress SVP-B IMB

30 New IABP Web Pages

31 Summary 1.106 buoys were reporting in June 2007. 2.56+ buoys were deployed from June – September 2007. 3.97+ buoys were reporting in September 2007. 4.68+ buoys were reporting in April 2008. 5.We plan to deploy 120+ buoys at 80+ separate locations in 2008. More details can be found at 6.Coordinator needs to collect buoy data from DAMOCLES projects to include in IABP databases. 7.Please send comments on our new web pages. I would like to add more content featuring the full breadth of the IABP. 8.Big Issue: Larger area of younger, thinner ice has taken a toll on the IABP array, highlighting the need for buoys which can survive in open water, survive freeze up, and pack ice conditions (i.e. seasonal ice buoys), especially in the Eurasian Arctic.

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