WORLD COMPETITION REPORT Geneva - January, 29 th of 2004 Conference of the International Network of Conference of the International Network of Civil Society.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD COMPETITION REPORT Geneva - January, 29 th of 2004 Conference of the International Network of Conference of the International Network of Civil Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD COMPETITION REPORT Geneva - January, 29 th of 2004 Conference of the International Network of Conference of the International Network of Civil Society Organizations on Competition Civil Society Organizations on Competition

2 Summary Objectives.Objectives. Structure.Structure. Methodology.Methodology. Expected outcomes.Expected outcomes.

3 Objectives

4 What is the purpose of the World Competition Report?

5 Four Objectives… 1.Present a civil society perspective on competition. 2.Provide a benchmark for the progress of competition law and policy. 3. Create a solid data base on competition. 4.Provide research inputs on competition issues.

6 What is the initial sample of countries?

7 20 countries to be studied in detail Africa Kenya South Africa Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Asia India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka South America Argentina Brazil Peru Other Australia UK USA West Indies

8 Structure

9 Structure of the WCR 1) Introduction 2) Competition in the Economy 3) Legal and Institutional Setting 4) Competition Law Enforcement 5) Competition Advocacy 6) Competition and Sectoral Regulation 7) International Cooperation Case Studies Case Studies Appendix Appendix

10 2.Competition in the Economy 2.1 Survey of policy changes. (trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation, etc..) 2.2 Degree of competition in a selected sample of sectors.

11 3. Legal and Institutional Setting Basic information on the institutional and legal framework for competition law and policy at the national level.

12 4. Competition Law Enforcement 4. Competition Law Enforcement Statistics, trends and jurisprudence about:Statistics, trends and jurisprudence about: –Competition promotion –Hard-core cartels –Merger control –Vertical and non-cartel horizontal agreements –Enforcement of decisions

13 5. Competition Advocacy Promote competition culture in different sectors of civil society and governmentl; Pro-competitive reports; Complience programs; Courses, workshops, seminars etc.

14 6. Competition and Sectoral Regulators Overview of the activities of regulatory agencies with emphasis on services that most aftect the poor (water, electricity and others) Interplay between competition authorities and sectoral regulators.

15 7. International Cooperation International cooperation under different formats (unilateral agreements, plurilateral agreements and others); International cartels; Cross-border mergers.

16 Case studies Competition cases with emphasis on markets and sectors with greater impact upon the poor.

17 Statistical appendix Statistical appendix Time series and cross-section data on variables such as number of cases, decisions, price-cost margins etc.Time series and cross-section data on variables such as number of cases, decisions, price-cost margins etc. Effectiveness of competition law implementation. Index of the independence of the competition agencies.Index of the independence of the competition agencies. Rating of national competition authorities.Rating of national competition authorities.

18 Methodology

19 Project Stages Gather raw data Gather raw data Produce 20 country reports Produce 20 country reports Survey the other contries Survey the other contries Produce the preliminary repot Produce the preliminary repot 2 nd Stage 3 rd Stage 1 st Stage Discussion and approval of the final WCR. Discussion and approval of the final WCR.

20 Work Plan Note: Through all phases, the General Working Group will be on charge of general coordination. Phase 6 Establish the general methodology. Collect raw data and elaborate literature surveys. Elaborate of the country reports. Discuss the first draft. Approve the final report. Elaborate of the first draft Phase 1 Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 5 Anchor institutions (IPS, CUTS and IBRAC) Project Implementation Team (PIT) Attendants of the Review Meeting Report Consolidation Working Group (eight members) Anchor institutions (IPS, CUTS and IBRAC) RESPONSIBLE BODY PHASE TASK Project Implementation Team (PIT)

21 Anchor Institutions IPS - Sri Lanka CUTS - India IBRAC - Brazil

22 Management Structure Director for the process management. Director for the process management.(IPS) Director for the content management. Director for the content management.(IBRAC) Additional Director for content management. Additional Director for content management.(CUTS)

23 Expected outcomes.

24 Expected Outcomes Regular Publication of an annual Competition Report.Regular Publication of an annual Competition Report. Data Bank on competition information for research projects.Data Bank on competition information for research projects. Basic Information for civil society organizations (NOGs) on competition policy.Basic Information for civil society organizations (NOGs) on competition policy.

25 Project Time Table Phase 6 Phase 1 Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 5 PHASE DATE Aug / 04 Sep / 04 Jun / 04 Jul / 04 Dec / 04 Jan / 05 Oct / 04 Nov / 04 Apr / 05 May / 05 Feb / 05 Mar / 05

26 Thank You! More information...

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