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Words About Fractions.

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1 Words About Fractions

2 fraction fracción

3 frac • tion

4 fraction

5 fraction (noun) Means… Synonyms:
a part of a whole Synonyms: piece portion fragment Example: My mom only let me eat a fraction of the pie. 5

6 fraction (noun) Only a small fraction of students preferred purple jerseys over orange or white. Partner share for box

7 fraction (noun) Since I wanted to share the pizza with eight friends, I cut it into eight equal fractions. I was only able to complete a fraction of my work today.

8 fraction (noun) Examples Non-examples 14 14 8

9 Record the following in your notebook.
Word & Meaning Example fraction (noun) frac-tion My mom only let me eat a fraction of the pie. part of a whole Alternate note format

10 Prepare for Talking Chips Activity
In class, your group will share sentences using the word fraction. To prepare for this activity, complete the sentence frame below in your notebook. Example: Only a fraction of my family likes milk. My sister, dad, and I like it, while my mom and brother do not. Only a fraction of my family likes ______. _____ like(s) it while _____ do/does not. (names) (food/activity) (names)

11 Record the following in your notebook.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb person, place, or thing an action in the past, present, or future describes a noun describes a verb fraction A fraction of the students in our class are girls. fracture fractured fracturing When I fractured my leg, the doctor used a cast to rejoin the bone. fractional A fractional number of students are wearing blue today. fractionally There is a fractionally larger number of girls than boys in our class.

12 numerator el numerador 12

13 nu•mer•a•tor 13

14 numerator 14

15 numerator (noun) 12 Means…
the top number in a fraction the number of pieces you have I ate one half of the apple, or one of the two pieces. numerator 12 15 15

16 denominator el denominador 16

17 de•nom•i•na•tor 17

18 denominator 18

19 denominator (noun) 12 Means… The apple was cut into two pieces.
the bottom number in a fraction the number of pieces in the whole The apple was cut into two pieces. numerator 12 denominator 19 19

20 Record the following in your notebook.
Word & Meaning Example numerator (noun) nu-mer-a-tor I ate one half of the apple. One is the numerator. top number of a fraction, indicating the amount you have. Alternate note format 20

21 Record the following in your notebook.
Word & Meaning Example denominator (noun) de-nom-i-na-tor I cut the pie into halves, so there were 2 pieces. Two is the denominator. bottom number of a fraction, indicating the number of pieces to make a whole. Alternate note format 21

22 equivalent equivalente 22

23 e•quiv•a•lent 23

24 equivalent 24

25 equivalent (adjective)
Means… same size Synonyms: equal identical same comparable Example: The apple was cut into two equivalent pieces. 25 25

26 Record the following in your notebook.
Word & Meaning Example equivalent (adj) e-quiv-a-lent I cut the pie into four equivalent pieces. same size Alternate note format 26

27 simplify simplificar 27

28 sim•pli•fy 28

29 simplify 29

30 simplify (verb) = Means… Example:
to make something simpler Example: I traded two dimes and a nickel for a quarter to simplify the change I was carrying. = 30 30

31 Record the following in your notebook.
Word & Meaning Example simplify (verb) sim-pli-fy I simplified into . = 24 12 make simpler Alternate note format 31

32 Words You Learned fraction numerator denominator equivalent simplify

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