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Sedimentary Rock 12/2/14 4-3 pgs. 87-90 IN: What are the two compositional classifications for igneous rocks? How can you determine their texture? Which.

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rock 12/2/14 4-3 pgs. 87-90 IN: What are the two compositional classifications for igneous rocks? How can you determine their texture? Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rock 12/2/14 4-3 pgs. 87-90 IN: What are the two compositional classifications for igneous rocks? How can you determine their texture? Which rocks fit in each category?

2 sedimentary rock sediment magma cooling, crystallization weathering and erosion compaction, cementation melting high temperature great pressure igneous rock metamorphic rock

3 H OW DOES SEDIMENTARY ROCK FORM ? 1. Weathering and erosion of rock into sediment (sand). 2. Compaction and cementation back into rock.

4 W EATHERING AND E ROSION Wind, water, ice, sunlight, and gravity all cause rock to weather into fragments (weathering). These small fragments are called sediment.

5 S EDIMENTS Sediments are transported from one place to another (erosion) Water Wind Gravity

6 C OMPACTION The layers eventually become compacted.

7 C EMENTATION Dissolved minerals separate out of the water to form a natural glue that binds the sediments together.

8 S TRATA The layers of sedimentary rock that form from the deposition of sediment. These strata form oldest on bottom, youngest on top.

9 S EDIMENTARY ROCK Form at or near the Earth’s surface. Their physical features tell part of Earth’s history. They are the only rocks that contain fossils.

10 C OMPOSITION 1. Clastic 2. Chemical 3. Organic

11 C LASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms when rock or minerals fragments, called clasts, stick together. Sandstone Conglomerate Shale Names of clastic sedimentary rock are based on grain size.

12 C HEMICAL SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms when minerals crystallize out of a solution, such as sea water, to become rock. limestone

13 O RGANIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms from the remains of organisms. fossiliferous limestone

14 S EDIMENTARY ROCK STRUCTURES Stratification is the layering of rock. Strata differ from one another depending on the kind, size, and color of their sediment.

15 S TRATA Sometimes records the motion of wind and water waves.


17 C ONGLOMERATE Sedimentary rock that resembles concrete. Clastic Coarse-grained

18 S ANDSTONE Sedimentary rock formed from sand. Clastic Coarse-grained

19 S HALE Sedimentary rock also known as mudstone. Clastic Fine-grained

20 F OSSILIFEROUS L IMESTONE Sedimentary rock made from shells and coral. Organic

21 OUT: What are some features of sedimentary rocks?

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