September 26, 2011. Today’s Class Discuss the ABCDs of Objectives Discuss the Cognitive Domains Practice writing objectives Discuss the Objectives Assignment.

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Presentation on theme: "September 26, 2011. Today’s Class Discuss the ABCDs of Objectives Discuss the Cognitive Domains Practice writing objectives Discuss the Objectives Assignment."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 26, 2011

2 Today’s Class Discuss the ABCDs of Objectives Discuss the Cognitive Domains Practice writing objectives Discuss the Objectives Assignment

3 Backward Design Select outcome or standard - Intent What will achievement look like? Design assessment Plan and deliver instruction  Adequate opportunities Assess student learning Assess intent

4 What’s the difference between a goal and an objective? Goal Objective

5 Why are objectives Important

6 Focus Student performance not teacher performance Product not process Terminal behavior not subject matter Include only one general learning outcome in each objective

7 Guidelines Student demonstration of learning Communicate targets?  Students  Parents Targets for Assessment

8 Lesson Design Desired skills Objectives Behaviors students demonstrate Outcome level Learning environment

9 Degree of student learning Fulfillment of intent Evaluation of Instruction

10 Observable Verbs

11 Performance Objectives A udience B ehavior (action) C onditions D egree (criterion)

12 What do I want students to be able to do? B ehavior What are the important conditions or constraints under which I want them to perform? C onditions How well must students perform to be considered mastery? Degree

13 Audience Behavior Condition Degree The student will determine the meaning of unknown words using the glossary of a non-fiction text, as measured by the checklist. The student will determine the meaning of unknown words using the glossary of a non-fiction text, as measured by a checklist.

14 Students will know the difference between moths and butterflies 1. Behavior 2. Conditions 3. It’s got it all

15 Using M&Ms, the students will create a graph that represents the number of each color of M&Ms. 1. Behavior 2. Conditions 3. It’s got it all

16 The student will determine mean, median, mode, and range. 1. Behavior 2. Conditions 3. It’s got it all

17 Given a set of data, the student will determine mean, median, mode, and range. 1. Behavior 2. Condition 3. It’s got it all

18 Students will be able to identify a noun and a verb by underlining these parts of speech in a sentence. 1. Behavior 2. Conditions 3. It’s got it all

19 Students will be able to represent given fractions using fraction pieces. 1. Behavior 2. Condition 3. It’s got it all

20 Outcome Levels Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy 2001

21 Remembering (Knowledge) Retrieving information from memory

22 Understanding (Comprehend) Determining the meaning of instructional messages: oral, written, or graphic

23 Applying (Application) Using information in another familiar situation

24 Analyzing (Analysis) Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships

25 Evaluating ( Synthesis ) Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing

26 Creating ( Evaluation ) Generating new (unique) ideas, products, or ways of viewing things

27 Example 4 th Grade Math Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Cluster: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Standard: Solve multi-step word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Students will solve 3 different number sentences that include an unknown variable after doing examples with the teacher as a class. Outcome: Applying

28 Example CCSS ELA 3 rd Grade: Language Conventions of Standard English: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. Objective: Following the minilesson on parts of speech, Students will write a sentence containing 4 of the 8 parts of speech using correct punctuation. Outcome? Understanding (They are giving an example)

29 Outcomes Remembering– Recall; bringing to mind the appropriate material Understanding– Translating material from one form to another; one step beyond recall Applying– The ability to use learned material in new and concrete situations Higher-Level Thinking – Analyzing, evaluating, creating Taxonomy

30 After the group read-aloud, the student will match animals with their generalized food source. 1. Knowledge 2. Applying 3. Creating 4. Evaluating

31 Following a class discussion, the learner will justify why governments need to make rules and laws for people. 1. Synthesize 2. Evaluating 3. Knowledge 4. Understanding

32 Using internet sites, the learner will identify voting requirements. 1. Understanding 2. Knowledge 3. Creating 4. Evaluating

33 After reading The Jolly Postman, the student will write a friendly letters. 1. Knowledge 2. Analysis 3. Creating 4. Synthesis

34 Objective Writing Assignment Social Studies Science Math English/ Language Arts Strand and Standard Goal and Standard Domain, CLuster and Standard Objective Outcome

35 Dropbox Go to DropboxDropbox Name Folder: YourName_204_FA11 Share it with me ( Save your objective document in this folder

36 Activity With a partner: Select a Standard Write 1 objective ABC Combine 2 groups Evaluate Taxonomy

37 Next Time Read Ch. 11, Assessing Student Performance Submit your objectives by Sunday, October 2 New Blog Post is up, respond by Wednesday, October 5 Looking Ahead: We will discuss the Classroom Management Group Project

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